The start of the end of the start of the new beginning

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"Let us go! We haven't done anything for you to treat us like this! You shot at us!" Melissa screamed at the man "Shut up you dumb bitch!" The man yelled at her. Playboy stood up and ran at the man attempting to punch him, but the man punches him in the stomach and he falls to the ground gasping for air. "Bobby watch these trespassers while I fetch mama." Bobby nods and grunts agreeing the task. Morales goes to playboy "Are you alright?" But playboy pushes him away. "I'm fine! Worry about your damn self." Morales wasn't having it "Hey! Fuck off alright, I wasn't expecting to be spending my night with a bunch of cousin fucking weirdos either!" They sit away from each other like two kids having an argument over who gets the last cookie. Morales sees Melissa looking out of a window, "Hey? You uh.. you okay?" She looks at him "What? Okay? Am I okay? My daughter and my husband are out there and I don't even know if they are alive, and you're asking me if I'm okay?!" Morales sees her eyes begin to water, "Look I'm not your enemy, okay?" She wipes the tear from her eye "Are you sure? Because just a week ago you were trying to kill Anthony. So I suggest you think before you speak." He knew it was going to be hard to get on her good side "You're the one who spared my life. Why?" She paused "I spared you because I thought it would show Anthony that we can make a future without always killing people. We had people who believed that we could have a decent future in this fucked up nightmare world we are trapped in. Those THINGS eating people and making more of themselves with the ones that they don't eat whole. Ugh it's all just so fucked!" She kicks a bucket over and spills a liquid out of it. They all look at it wondering what it was, so they walk over and Morales picks it up and drops it immediately. "What is it??" Melissa asks, Morales is bending over about to throw up gagging and trying to speak. He says pointing at the bucket, " Its full of blood, and that shits not old!" Just then Bobby walks in and grabs playboy "Hey! Get the hell off me!" The other men come inside after the big one and grab Melissa and Morales. They are taking outside in the middle of a courtyard like area out in the open in the middle of a square surrounded by mobile homes. They are put on their knees in the middle of the square and a bell begins to ring *Bing* *Bing, Bing* *Bing, Bing* Doors from all of the mobile homes begin to open and people start pouring out of them surrounding them, watching like they're expecting something great. "What's going on?" Playboy asked "I don't know, just stay calm." Morales said "Don't tell me what the hell to do." Playboy demands "Oh come on man really? You're doing this now?!" Morales started to get louder. "Goddammit both of you SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Melissa yelled and they both quickly look at her and stop talking. Then someone started talking behind them "Well, well, well what do we have here? Someone visiting our lil ol town?" It was a woman's voice. She started walk in front of them and they saw her face and were shocked, she was missing most of her hair and her left eyelid was melted over her eye. "Hahaha look Jimmy they think I'm just disgustin lookin huh? Well lil lady you might think you're just flat out gorgeous but around here I'm the queen bee." She said while grabbing Melissa's chin and pushing her face to the side. "Now I know you're wondering exactly whyyy yalls are out here on ya knees huh? Well? Take a guess cmon you can do it!" Playboy mumbles something under his breath and the women snaps at him "What was that!?" He looked up in shock "You heard that?" She smiles and tells him "Just because I'm no model doesn't mean I don't have ears boy! Haha now I'm gonna tell you outright alright? We here in our little uhh com-mun-ni-ti-ta, comu-ta-ti-ti-t, communi-tity." The other's laugh "Ha! She said tity!" The woman gets angry and punches the man across the face. "I'm sorry mama! It was funnyy!" She looks at him in anger and then back at Playboy, Melissa, and Morales. "Now I'm not going to lie to you, you are all going to die here, today, here in a few minutes." They all look at each other confused, not sure if she was serious or not. "Right after you call out your little sniper from hiding." They all look at her confused "What? What sniper we don't have anyone with us?" Morales said, the woman bent down to Morales's level and whispered to him "I can see the flash coming from his scope behind you." They all turn and see the flash as well. "Fuck." Axios says looking up out of his scope. They get him and put him with the others. "Take his weapon and put it with the other guns, he won't be using it anymore after today. Now you, yes the one who had the gun. Were you planning to shoot me?" Axios looked at her and laughed "Hell I was hoping to shoot any of you ugly fuckers, y'all need he make over." That angered her so she grabbed a bat from one her sons and hit Axios upside his head dazing him. "Damn woman! That shit hurt!" She was amazed at his resilience. "Ugh y'all are starting to get on my last nerve yunno that?" Axios grinned and playboy looked at him laughing "You're such an idiot man." Axios laughed and spit some blood out of his mouth "This ugly bitch looks like blob fish." Playboy let's out a loud laugh and this caused the woman to go into a rage. "Ugh!!!" *Bang* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *heavy breathing* *gagging* *Sobbing* "No! Noo! Blane!" Axios yelled "You bitch!" She looked at the huge man with the sledge hammer "Put him out of his misery." The man pulled up his hammer and brung it down on his head *pshh* Playboy dies instantly and everyone is distraught and crying. The woman smiled and said "Now, do the rest and clean the mess up after." She walks back towards her mobile home, and the man walks in front of Morales and lifts the sledgehammer. *BANG* there was a silence after the shot and the man dropped the hammer and fell to the ground dead with a bullet to the head. Everyone was shocked and were wondering where the shot came from. Then they turn around and there was Anthony standing on top of a truck with an AK-47, "Go! Move!" He yelled and started firing more shots directed at the woman, she was protected by her sons who died when they were shot. She looks down at their bodies in sadness then anger and runs inside her mobile home. Anthony is shooting everyone with a weapon and finally jumps off the truck running to the others, he slows down once he sees playboy... "God no... fuck I was to late." He said, Axios snapped him back to reality "Hey untie us fool before more bullets start flying around!" Anthony snaps back and unties Axios and he unties Morales. Anthony goes to Melissa and kisses her "Hey." He said with a smile, he unties her and she smacks him "I thought you were dead!!" She said, he laughed "So did I." They ran towards a small building "Here everyone grab something to shoot with." Anthony tells them, Melissa looks around and asks him "Where's Marissa??" He looks at her for a moment and smiles at her "Don't worry, she's safe." They run outside and start shooting anyone with a gun but then they hear *Ahghhgh* "Oh shit there's infected here!" Yells Morales. The infected begin coming in fast grabbing anyone they can get their jaws on. "Dammit I thought we'd be safe from them out in the country! There's so many of them, they must've heard the shots!" Anthony said. "What do we do?!" Yelled Melissa, "Cmon this way, I hid a car in the woods let's go!" They run through the crowd shooting any that got close to them and they ran out of the small community and into the woods. "There! The truck!" Anthony yelled, *BANG* "Agh!!" Anthony yelled he fell over onto his stomach grabbing it, he was bleeding heavily from a gunshot wound. He looked up as the world started to move in slow motion he saw Axios, Melissa, and Morales turn around and they raise their guns trying to fire back at who shot Anthony but they are all shot and fall to the ground. Axios is shot first and falls down a hill into ditch, Melissa falls in front of Anthony near the truck, and Morales is hit near a tree. Anthony tries to drag himself to Melissa but is stopped when he feels a foot standing on his back. "Agh!" He lays his head down weak and unable to move. "Melissa! *cough* Melissa!" He called her name hoping to see her move, she slowly lifted her head and looked at him with a shocked face "Noo!" She yelled *BANG* She watched as Anthony was shot dead in the head by the woman from the community, she was covered in bites and made her way to Morales *BANG* Melissa knew she was next and she tried to crawl away but the woman caught up to her. "You people destroyed what we built! You will die this time! I'll make sure it." *Click* *BANG* The woman falls to the ground dead next to Melissa who's laying shocked and dazed from the loss of blood. She looks up to see Marissa holding a gun pointed at the woman, her eyes filled with tears as she sees her father dead and her mother dying. "Mama... Dad... he's he's." Melissa lifts her hand to the girls mouth telling her to hush and she crawls her way to the nearest tree and lays against it. "It's okay baby *Cough* you... you did good, I almost regret getting mad at him for teaching you to shoot ha." Melissa tears up and starts to cry and Marissa hugs her "I don't want you to die to mama! I need you!" Melissa hugs her tight with one arm, she was getting weaker and weaker. "Marissa... you're gonna beat this world *cough* you're the future do you hear me?" Marissa lifts her head and nods, "You'll be fine baby I know... you'll make it... you'll survive... I" Marissa looked up at Melissa her eyes wide and filled with tears. "Mama?? Mama?! Mama!" *Sobbing* *crying* 5 minutes later.
"Hey." Marissa grabs her gun fast and aims, she stops when she sees Axios standing in front of her holding his arm. "She uh... she had bad aim." She got up and ran to him hugging him tight. "Cmon let's bury them..."
They bury Anthony, Melissa, Playboy, and Morales. "Why... why did it have to happen this way... don't worry, I'll protect her." He looks back as Marissa is walking to the truck pistol in hand. "Well I think she'll be protecting ME for awhile ha. Goodbye old friends... see you in the next life."  They enter the truck and begin driving, they drive for about 2 days before finally stopping at a gas station to get fuel. "We'll stop here for now, grab whatever snacks you can carry in your backpack and we will get right back in the road." Marissa nodded and collected a few things "Hey look! I found a butterfinger! It... it was my dads favorite.." Axios looked at her "Hey, take it, it still looks like it still might be good. "Haha okay!" They head back on the road and enter onto a highway. They pass a sign that reads 'Now Entering Virginia'.

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