No Way Out

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"This is alpha nine-er we have the fugitives in custody. Requesting permission to enter the facility."
*radio static* "We aren't fugitives! Ah!" Melissa yelled. "Let us go!" Blane yelled and he tried to tug away from the soldier, the soldier hit him beside the head with the butt stock of his gun. "Everyone relax if they were gonna kill us they would've already." Anthony said trying to calm everyone down, they were taken to a large room with a long table and lots of chairs around it. There was a man there who seem to be a very highly ranked soldier, he stood firm, he was black, had a strong demeanor, and was looking at the group of survivors as if he'd never seen anything like them. "Sit" he said with a loud and powerful voice, they all starred at him and didn't move. "Ah, I see. Well you can either sit or I can have my men kill you all now?" They look at him for brief time longer and then begin sitting down. A smile crosses the mans face with a since of achievement, "Now I would like to introduce myself to y'all, I am Sgt. Burst, and I am the person large and in charge! So you'll be following every thing I say to the T, no questions asked got it?" The group looked at him and then at one another. "What can't speak? The fuck is wrong with y'all?" Anthony stared at the table, and thought about Morales and his relation to this place and put the pieces together. He stood up and the soldiers aim their weapons at him, he stood still and said "Morales sent us." Sgt. Burst looked at him and smiled, "Well shit, that's good news! But I really don't care, I don't see him with you. Where is my old "friend" Morales." Melissa spoke with a shocked tone, "What do you mean "friend" he told us about this place and that you were taking people in and rebuilding the world here." Sgt. Burst looked at her, then at his men. "AHAHA! Morales was lying, stealing piece of shit traitor! He left here to find his dumb wife and son in god awful Oklahoma, where he probably shared his last breathe with them." Anthony looked down at the table. "Hmm you seem to know something Mr uhh?" Anthony didn't look at him or reply. "So where is Morales then? Was he with you all? Or is he out there running around with his dick in his hand?" Anthony slowly sat down, disappointed and hurt that he'd been lied to. Axios stared at Anthony seeing the hurt within him but was thinking to himself if now would be a bad time to say "I told you so". "Ohh I see by the look on this guys face, he's DEFINITELY dead! Ha so tell me brother boy how he die? I gotta know, I just gotta." Anthony slowly lifted his head and mumbled the words "I killed him." The Sgt. Wasn't pleased with the answer. "Huh? I didn't quite catch that what did you say?" Anthony looked at everyone around the table and the Sgt. had enough of the waiting and grabbed Anthony by his chin and told him , "Answer or the little girl gets sleep for eternity." Anthony grew angered and his face started to turn red. "Awh I see she must be your daughter then, right? Well." He says while walking around the table. "Hold him down." Two soldiers ran up behind Anthony and pinned him to the table, Sgt. Burst slowly walked up behind Marissa and pinned her head on the table and he pulled out a pistol and put it to her head. "Now you can either TELL ME or your lil girl here can bite the dust. Now personally I don't like killing children but if it gets me info then I'll do what I have to do!" He sees Anthony not giving any reaction but anger uses it against him. He loads the gun *click* and puts his hand on her neck holding her down. "Don't you fuckin touch my daughter you sick fuck!" Melissa yelled. "Whoa there momma hatty, you better chill the fuck out before you get it to!" He pulls the gun up to her face and Anthony was about to try and break free when all of a sudden Blane stood up and stared at the man. Anthony looked at him in shock, "Ohh ho ho look at thattt! Looks like we gotta little lover boy!" Said Sgt. Burst, he looked at Anthony and seen he didn't understand what he meant. "Oh man, cmon you don't see it? The guy has a crush on ya wife here buddy! No telling how long it's been that way, might wanna get that in check Mr." He proceeds to hold down Marissa, "Now I asked you, what happened to him? You have til 3. 1, 3!" Anthony quickly yells "I KILLED HIM!"... The room went quite. "What?" Axios said, "You told us that infected killed him." Anthony took some deep breaths, "No, I did... he offered to take us straight to the community and I didn't think we could trust him so I stabbed him and left him with the infected." Everyone looked in shock at the truth, Melissa looked at him and said "But you said that he tried to attack you, you defend yourself." "No! I didn't I killed him to protect you and Marissa and our people. I didn't know if he was telling the truth so I killed him." Sgt. Burst took the gun away from Marissas head and puts it in his holster. "Wow, y'all are one fucked up bunch. Well no worries you'll be taken care of here. We only want to run some... "test" on you and make sure you're safe to bring into our walls haha." They looked at him and Axios asked "What kind of test?"

1 hour later

"Ughh!" Axios yells as he grabs an infected by the head smashing it against a wall. "Goddammit, you're so some sick fucks you know that?" He was in a pit with a fence separating him from the other end of the pit. Anthony was on the other side of the fence and was fighting some infected while Marissa was tied to a poll above him, being forced to watch her father fight for his life. "Daddy! Stop it! Let him out!" "Shut up lil bitch." A soldier says hitting her across the face. Anthony saw this and started to climb up the pit walls, "You mother fuck-AGH" he said before getting kicked in he face. "I'll fuckin kill you!" Axios looked over to Anthony's side of the fence and looks at the soldier and says "Calm down! Don't make them kill you before you even get a chance to get her out of here!" He tried to get a good look at the soldier that hit Anthony and finally saw is face. "Damian?"

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