Lights in the darkness

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"5 days have passed since we last saw you.. the ringing of guns firing and men screaming out in pain still linger in my mind. I miss you and Marissa a lot, and I'm wondering how the kid is doing.. is he getting along with our little girl? Ha I bet their good friends now.. she needed someone her age in all this.. hopefully you get this letter. I'm hoping you're all okay, See you soon - Anthony". *crinkles paper* "Wow.. 5 years later and you still haven't seen them have you?" A woman's voice said quietly. "Until tonight, yeah." Anthony said, he continued "I'm just glad we found you and your friend here. I missed my daughter growing up and I have no idea if my wife is still alive, I heard that voice over the radio we found on those dead soldiers. It sounded just like her." They were standing on an overpass looking over an old military looking outpost. "Tromane hand me those binoculars."  A tall, dark skinned heavy set man got up from a tent and handed the woman binoculars and got down on a knee and looked down at the base. "Hm.. looks like there's not much security, whatever happened too them back there must've fucked them pretty good." Axios was standing near a tree and finally decided to enter the conversation. "Yunno we've known you a little over a week now, what do we call you?" The woman look at him and gave him a smirk, "Rose."

(45 mins later)

"Alright let's move, everyone ready?" Rose asked the group.
*click* *reloading* *ammo checks*
"Sounds good too me, let's move" she said finally
The group moved along the side of a hanger, they found an exit door that's been propped open with a bucket filled with water. "Wait" rose told them, then she pushed the bucket over and the water spilled out and the door shut. A voice from the other side could be heard, "goddammit not again, fuckin door needs to be fixed." A soldier opened the door and went down to pick up the bucket. *smack* Axios knocked the man out and dragged his body back toward the group. "Alright which one of you is gonna wear this assholes uniform?" Rose asked.. everyone looked at each other, Tromane stated "Y'all really think IM gonna fit in THOSE? Y'all tripping." Axios and Anthony looked at each other and knew exactly how to decide.
*both* "Rock, Paper, Scissors shoot!"

15 mins later

"Alright go get em tiger" Axios said to Anthony with a chuckle.
"He he fuck you, just make sure you're all ready to evacuate the fuck out of here once I've grabbed them.. if their still around." Anthony's head lowered but then Axios put his hand on his shoulder. "They will be."
Rose added, "you've got 25 mins."
Anthony looked at her confused "What? Why?"
"We've got about 45 til daylight, once that happens we won't have the darkness to help keep us hidden. In and out okay?" Anthony nods "okay, got it"

Anthony enters and begins searching, "okay what do I look for first? She probably is gonna be a bit taller.. she's 13 now.. man,  how could I let it get like this?"
"Hey! You!" A soldier noticed him just standing there. "Shit.. don't blow your cover....Yes sir?" The man walked up to him. "What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be helping those teens keep busy in sector 3?" Anthony knew this was his only chance to find them. "Uh yeah... sorry needed a smoke.. I used to be a father, kids man they stressful as fuck." The soldier looked at him understanding exactly what he meant. "Hell yeah man, I fuckin know it. I got a kid in there right now, kills my every nerve but I love him. Any of them yours?" Anthony looked at him and said "Yeah.. two of them ha. Boy and a girl." The soldier looked him with pity. "Fuckkk thattt shit. A girl? I bet that's a bitch to handle huh?" Anthony smirked. "You have no clue. Anyway I should get back to them and make sure they haven't fucked anything up." "Alright man, good luck" the man said as he began walking the opposite direction. "Don't forget Damian wants everyone in Sector 1 in T-minus 15 with his new "wife" so be there cause he's making this a big deal for some reason." Anthony thought to himself  *wife? He's never been one to tie himself down...* "Yeah gotcha, I'll be there" Anthony rounded a corner and found the door to Sector 3. He hesitated to open it, finally he opened the door and there were 7 people sitting at a table and a boy and girl were off in a corner together reading books. The kids looked at him and he looked back scanning their faces to see any recognizable features. None of them were Marissa or the kid he'd rescued so he walked over to the kids who were reading and stood behind them.. they realized someone had been standing behind them and they sat silent. Then with quickness the girl sprang up and tried to stab Anthony with a make shift shiv, "Stop! I'm not with them! I'm looking for my daughter and a boy!" The girl kept slowly pushing the knife towards Anthony throat. "Please! Ughh her names Marissa I just need to find her!" The girl stopped suddenly and was in shock. "Wh-who did you just say?" *cough* "fuck you've got some strength your parents must be some fighters." The girl looked at him scanning him, "Yeah my father was.. my mother not so much she tends to fold pretty easily.. even on the ones she "loves"." Anthony took off his hat and the girls eyes widened and she dropped the shiv and started tearing up. "Oh my god... you.. no.. you're dead.. she said you were dead.. you're not here. This isn't possible!" The boy stood staring at him as well. "It is you.. you're the one who saved me.. you're really alive!" Anthony looked at them and couldn't believe how much they'd changed physically and he could tell they'd been through a lot. "Oh my god.. I found you. I actually found you!" They all hugged and were nearly all in tears of joy until one the teens yelled out. "Hey there's someone in here saying he's not with us!" Anthony quickly turned, "Shit we got to go! Where's your mom?" Marissa shook her head "she's.. shes" Anthony interrupted her. "It's fine let's just get out of here." They rushed out of the door to find two men walking down the corridor. "Hey! Where are you taking those kids." Marissa and Mario looked at one another, smiled and walked up to the guards each kicking them in their groans. "Let's go!" Marissa yelled, "Wait we have to go to Sector 1, I need to find out what's Damian's next move!" Anthony said to them. "No dad we can't, you won't like what you see I promise you!" Anthony wasn't listening at that point he'd already been walking towards Sector 1. "DAD!" She yelled for him. "DONT!" She ran after him and Mario wasn't to far behind. *Access Granted* Anthony made his way into the the huge hanger where a large group of men and women were seated and standing waiting for Damian's arrival. Just then a horn or siren could be heard all across the building. "Well, well, well, look at what the fuck the cats dragged in! A whole bunch of fuckingggg rats!" The men and women chuckled as Damian took center stage and had a group of at least 30 men and women on stage with him. "Now.. I know what you're all thinking.. why did he have every single one of his soldiers come out in the dawn of the new day to make a speech. Well ladies and ladies, I have a special announcement! I ... Am... getting married!" All the men and women clapped and cheered. "Yes, yes I KNOW incredible right? I know I don't seem like I'd ever do this cause I mean cmon look at me! I'm a charmer! One of a kind haha! But let me tell ya I met a real devil! She even had a kid and husband and betrayed them just to be with ME! Ain't that some shit?" Anywhooo let me introduce my lovely lovely wife!" The crowd went silent and a woman in a stylish military attire walked onto the stage and everyone burst into cheers and applause. Anthony stood on a balcony and couldn't believe his eyes. Marissa and Mario finally made it too him, "Dad wai-" "Too late" Mario interrupted while pointing at the woman. "She.. she didn't" Anthony muttered. "I'm sorry dad.. I tried , she said she couldn't be alone.. she didn't want too wait for you anymore but I told her you'd come I knew it.. maybe if she knew.. she'd come back and not go through with this." Marissa said to him. "No.. this happened before, there's no getting her back. Trust me she'll never be the same again." Marissa couldn't believe what she'd heard. "What do you mean she'd done it before?" Before Anthony could respond Damian began speaking again. "Now I know you're all wondering, why are my best troops on stage here with weapons? Are they going on mission? Are they just for show? Well lads.. with a fresh start.. and new beginnings well.. that means a clean slate.. soo sorry." He said with a shrug and all the troops on stage loaded the weapons and aimed them at the men and women. "Cmon my lady no need to stay and watch this." Melissa snatched her hand away, "No, I want to watch the show." Damian smirked and lifted a fist and closed it. *Shots fired* AGHHHH! *Screaming* Anthony dropped to his knees. "My god.."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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