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"Mmm... ugh my head." Anthony says while putting his hand on the knot on the right side of his head. "What - what happened? Where are we?" He leaned up to see that they were on the road again. He noticed he wasn't in the truck or the other car that they'd had. They were in a bus of some kind. "Well look who's awake y'all." Said Playboy in the next seat over, Anthony tried to sit up but was struck with a sharp pain in his head "Ugh damn that hurts." "Don't rush yourself babe, you might have a concussion." Melissa insisted. He looked at her "Did you hit me?" He asked and she laughed "No she did" she said pointing to the back of the bus. Anthony slowly lifted himself up high enough to see over the top of the seat and he sees Marissa at the rear of the bus reading a book. She looks up from it and gives him a smile and he looks back at Melissa, "She gets it from you yunno?" She gasps "No, you know damn well you're the one with anger issues!" She laughs. Anthony finally sits up and looks around, he sees the windows are somewhat boarded up and their were bars on the windshield. "So where did you guys get this... thing." Sangeeth was driving and started to explain "Found it just outside of OKC, we used the gas from the truck and the car to fill this up." Anthony was listening but interrupted "Did you say outside of OKC? We're here?" Axios stopped him from getting to excited "WERE, we were there but... there's nothing left. Everything is overrun I've never seen so many stalkers in place man." Anthony's face filled with disappointment "Oh, damn... uh where are we now?" He asked "Just passed the Kansas border." Sangeeth answered, "Actually we passed the border like an hour ago." Kendal said correcting him and they began bickering back and forth, but then a voice came from near the back of the bus about two seats behind Anthony "Hey some of us are trying to catch some Z's back her-" the voice was interrupted when the person speaking locked eyes with Anthony. It was Morales starring back at him with fear, still had bruises and scars from their last encounter. "What THE FUCK is he doing here?!" Anthony shouted and attempted to get out of his seat but quickly fell over onto the floor he looked down at his feet and there was his foot, cuffed to the seat. "What the hell js this?! Why am I the one cuffed to this and he's free to just walk around!" Everyone seen the anger that Anthony was feeling. Calm down Anthony, this is why we cuffed you! Yelled Kendal, he looked at her "Are you serious? We can't trust this dude!" She continued to argue "We also can't just kill everyone we cross paths with either! We can't forget who we are. Our humanity is a big part of us and if we don't *Fhhht* control... ourselves" *thud* Kendal's body falls down on the seat with a bullet in her head, body limp, covered in blood. Everyone is starring in disbelief. Then Sangeeth turns his eyes back to the road they were crossing a bridge and at the end of it was an army of people just standing there with weapons. "Oh fuck" Axios says leaning to the windshield. The people began raising their weapons and Axios turned around and yelled "Everybody down!!" *Fftt* *Ffft* *Fft* bullets start flying through the windshield "Ugh!" Yells Sangeeth hed been hit in the arm and could no longer control the bus. It starts to swerve, Marissa jumps out of her seat and runs to Anthony jumping into his seat hanging onto him tightly. Morales was making his way to the front of the bus but Anthony saw him and kicked him with his free leg onto the seat next to him. "Agh! My leg!" He yelled in pain. Melissa tried to make her way to Anthony and Marissa but suddenly the bus took a sharp left and crashed on the side of the bridge, making Axios, Chad (who was asleep for most the situation until the bullets started flying.), Playboy, and Melissa all fly foward to the front of the bus. The bus was now hanging half way off the bridge, it was rocking back and forth, it slowly stabilized and everyone started to regain their senses. Anthony and Marissa were still in the back being almost lifted into the air because of the weight in the front of the bus. Anthony's back was on the seat in front of the one he was sitting in. He had Marissa in his arms, he kept attempting to look over the top of the seat to see if anyone was okay. "Is everyone alright?!" He yelled, it was quite for a second then he heard some coughs and groans then said "We have to get out fast before this thing tips over. If we go one by one out the backdoor." Everyone was sure that it could work. Anthony started to move but the cuff restricted his movement "Wheres the damn key!?" They all looked at each other with worried faces. " ugh *Cough* I have it." Sangeeth Said, Playboy grabbed it from him "How do we get it to him?" Melissa looked at Playboy then looked up at Marissa "Honey? Listen I need you to slowly walk down here and grab this key and give it to dad okay?" Marissa was quick to accept the task "Okay mom, I'm coming." She slowly began walking down the aisle of the bus and stopped about three seats away before reaching the front because the bus because to rock again. "Okay stop there baby, I'm going to toss it up to you." Marissa nodded and prepared herself. Melissa tossed the key and the bus rocked harder causing Marissa to lose her balance and almost fall but she catches the key "Yes! I got it!" Marissa says with excitement "Good job baby! Now get it to daddy!" She starts to climb her way up. She looked up and saw Kendal's body hanging off the seat she'd died on, she began to tear up then looked away. Anthony saw this "It's okay baby, just look at me." She looked at him and calmed down. She climbed up the next seat and the next and got one seat away from Anthony "Okay baby hand me the key." She reached for the next seat and grabbed it but her weight was to much for it and it broke and she swung down and hit a window "Ow! My leg is bleeding!" She screamed. The weight from all that caused Kendal's body finally start falling down the aisle. Everyone moved quickly and her body hit the windshield with heavy force causing the bus to tip and everyone started to panic. Morales quickly climbs to the back of the bus shifting some weight to the rear but the bus was almost vertical and the quick transfer of the weight caused the center of the bus to start tearing, the bus was now tearing itself in half. *Ceereckk* The front half of the bus began slowly touching the river below. Anthony and Melissa made eye contact and her eyes filled with tears as she mouthed the words "I love you". Then her, Sangeeth, Playboy, Chad, and Axios disappeared into the water. Anthony screamed "Nooo!" Then was quickly interrupted when their half of the bus began sliding off the bridge. "Marissa grab my hand!" He shouted "I can't!" She shouted in fear "Yes you can! Just reach!" She looked up at him and grabbed his hand. He strained hard and used all of his remaining strength to pull her up. "Ughhhh!" He helled held her tight as the bus started to fall. "I got you baby.... I got you." *Splash*

End of Chapter Tomorrow

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