Damian and Axios

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"Brother!" Axios yelled from down in the pit. "Oh, all of a sudden I'm his brother." Damian said to another soldier. "You think we are brothers? After you left me in fucking Montana to die!" Axios sat for a moment to think. "I didn't leave you to die Damian, I thought you were already dead!" He tried to convince him that he was telling the truth. "Yeahh right, so what do these people call you now huh? I know you've told them some bs name to hide the past right?" Axios stood in place with his head down. "Yeah, look at you pathetic. You're nothing now, you were a survivor when it was just us on the road now you're weak, traveling with some asshole and his wife and kid. Now you're playing Uncle, don't even know you were lead here by one of your own." Axios looked at him. "What? No, the man who told us about this place is dead." Damian laughed, "No "brother" the guy who brought you here was right beside you the whole way." Axios started to think, only him, Anthony, Blane, and Chad were the only men left alive in the group and Chads to young to be involved in any of this he's loyal to us and Blane's been around ever since the community was built in Oklahoma.... "No, he was there. He showed up out of no where and we just let him in." Damian realized he finally put the puzzle together. "CRAZY, how he knew every road, knew exactly which direction to head in and you just let him lead you right here. To us, damn ain't that just a shame "brother". Axios stood firm. "So what now? You gonna kill us or what?" Damian started walking around the edge of the pit while looking down on Axios, who seen the dirt was unstable around the edges as he walked on them. "No sir, we have other ideas in mind. We are gonna see what makes you fucks tick, see why you survive so well and don't seem to just die like the other weak people in the world. We plan too, ahh how do I put this lightly... experiment on you ahaha." Axios seen his chance and grabbed some dirt that was under Damian's feet and the dirt collapsed and Damian fell into the pit with Axios. Axios put his hands up and got into a fighting stance. "Well shit brother, that was smart. But I'm not going to fight you when I can just shoo-" Axios interrupted him "With what this?" He said holding the gun, he tosses it out of the pit and gets back into the stance. "Ohh wow! Aren't you just a fuckin ninja now! Where'd you learn that bullshit huh?" They began circling each other talking one at a time to each other. "I met a guy.. on my way to Oklahoma, he taught me things that even you would never understand." Axios stepped closer to Damian. "Ahh shi you had a good trip without me didn't you?" Axios got frustrated, "Shup bro! I wouldn't ever leave you behind if I know you're still breathing never!" Damian hesitated, "Wha-what, nah NAH! You won't fuck with me, I'll end you for what you did!" He ran in for a punch, Axios dodge the first hit, but the second connected. Axios does a backspin and hits Damian in the face with the back of this fist, Damian stumbles. "Did he teach you that too?" Axios laughed, "Nah, that one I tried on a few infected, works wonders." They run at each other and fall to the ground pounding on each other, going back to back with punches. *BANG* They get off each other and see a man standing on top of a balcony watching them, "Well, well Axios! Looks like you and your brother finally reunited! I just love a family getting along and loving each other." Blane said with a humorous attitude, "Sir, I'm sorry I lost my cool. I wanted my payback badly, and-" Blane interrupted, "Hey! No don't apologize to me! Apologize to your brother! That's no way to treat our newest recruit!"

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