The Father, and The Son he never had

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"Cough, Cough... where am I?" Anthony looked around trying to see but vision was blurred as if they used tear gas on him while he was in the pit. "You're in hell mister." A voice from the a pair of beds near the back of the cell said to him. "Who is that?" Anthony asked, "My names Mario.." Anthony's vision started to clear up and as he looked at the person on the bed he realized he was a child. "What the, what... what are you doing here?", the boy was quite for a moment. "My family and I were on our way to Canada, and we got here and they promised us that we'd be safe... I haven't seen either of my parents in 4 days." Anthony looked at the child and realized, that this could be his own daughter. "Hey you wanna find them?" The boy seemed to almost change moods instantly. "Really? You'd do that mister?" Anthony grins and puts his hand on the boys shoulder. "Don't worry Mario, we are gonna get out of this. Now here's the plan."

3 hours later

"HEY! I gotta use the shitter man! There's no toilet paper left in here and the kid clogged the shit up!" A guard heard Anthony and walked up to the bars. "Hold it." The guard said, "Oh c'mon man, just a quick piss. I know you got like a private bathroom or something and you can put me back in here no issues. I just wanna get out of here and see my daughter." The guard looked in the cell and seen the boy on the bed laying down. "He fell asleep like 15 minutes ago. He sure can talk like fuck I forgot how kids were since this started, all hyped up all the damn time you know how it is." The guard looked at Anthony. "No, I actually don't." Anthony stopped grinning, "Oh uh... well what about that piss though?" The guard took a long stare at Anthony and pulled out his keys. "You've got 2 minutes, any longer I'm coming in and I'm laying you down." Anthony smiled, "No problem, that's long enough for me." The guard unlocks the door and handcuffs Anthony, "Well shit, looks like I'll be using two hands to piss." The guard escorts him to the bathroom and lets him in, "Two minutes." Anthony nods and goes into the bathroom and uses it. "Ahh nothing like relieving yourself in a small bathroom like this, has a medicine cabinet and all. Probably lots of medical shit in it huh?." The guard didn't respond, "Not much of a talker are you?" "One minute." Anthony laughed "Okay, okay I'm going, but I'm js there's lots of stuff in here like this needle and Bobby pin." The guard sat quite, and then it snapped and he said to himself, "Bobby pin? Hey! Don't move, I'm coming in!" The guard opened the door and had his weapon drawn. He enters the small restroom to see that Anthony was gone and small window above the wall had been opened. "Shit he got out! I got to radio this in-" *Smack!* "Yeah that won't be necessary soldier. Crazy what you can learn when you serve in the marines for 4 years." Anthony tied up the soldier and locked the bathroom door. "Hey kid, you can stop faking being asleep lets go." *Snoring* "Oh c'mon kid." He went in picked up the kid on his soldier and they left the prison block and tried to find where Marissa and the group were located. While walking down corridor, there was a large window that over looked the inside of a hanger. In the center of the hanger was the pit he'd been in earlier. "Fuck Axios, do they still have you down there?" Anthony was looking hard for any members of the group when he saw Blane being escorted to a large room downstairs. "Actually lets go talk to an old friend about some... relations with my wife." Anthony with the boy still knocked out on his shoulder snuck there way down to a hallway behind the room. They went into a closet next to the room and Anthony found a vent, he woke the boy "Stay quite, I'm gonna listen to what they're planning." He lifts the vent cover and crawls in and begins ease-dropping. "Now Mr. Blane, you know why we've brought you in here correct?" Blane looked at the man. "Can you take these damn tight ass bands off my hands already, nobody knows I'm here, the rest were separated to different parts of the facility." The man laughed. "Ah yes, sorry sir. Take them off him." Anthony repeated to himself. "Sir?", The guards took the bands off his hands and Blane sat up in his chair. "Alright then, now let's talk about what we are gonna do with our "friends" and how we can study them for the research we need. After all they are the best survivors I've ever observed."

Anthony's eyes widened, "What the fuck."

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