Dealing with pregnancy

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A/N: its been 2 months since the last chapter and the boys have cancelled their latest tour due to their girls pregnancy. This is a filler chapter so not much really happens here but it's important because Niall and Louis have no idea what they're doing.

Niall: Lexi has been unable to keep food down due to morning sickness. Tori and Harry got engaged and we found out that Zayn and Paige have been married for a year. Well now that Lexi and I are officially married I'm ready for this set of children.

"Niall, do we have any snickers????" I also have to deal with her weird cravings.

"I'll bring you a snickers bar princess." I hope I can help her raise this set from the day they're born till they graduate. The boys decided that we should cancel the TMH tour so we could be with our loved ones even longer. Lexi was only a week along when we found out and now she is starting to show a bit. Liam and Kailynn broke up the other day and now he's dating Danielle Payzer.

Lexi and I met her last night when we told Liam the news. Louis and Emmalea are also expecting. Yesterday we found out that we are having another set of twins. We will find out the genders soon. Im glad that Lexi and I's family is so beautiful. Emmalea and Louis are having quadruplets. I wish I could've been there for for Lexi when she went through her first pregnancy. I'm pretty sure if I was with Lexi during her first pregnancy I wouldn't be worrying about her every minute.

Tori and Harry have been here almost every day and Emmalea and Louis come over every now and then for parenting tips. Lexi sleeps for most of the day so I have to watch the twins but Zayn comes over to help. Elsa loves napping with her uncle Zayn and Rocky enjoys tormenting Paige.

"Niall, can you help me?" I looked at Zayn.

"Sure." He smiled at me.

"Want to help me put Elsa down for her nap? She ain't cooperating with me." I'm never giving Elsa sugar before her nap ever again. It took us 15 minutes to get her to lay down. To sum it up I have no idea what I'm doing.

Louis POV: I'm so freaking excited that I'm going to be a dad!!! Emmalea and I have been going to Lexi's and Niall's place for parenting tips. Let's just say that in about seven months we will have four little ones to keep us busy. I'm hoping for 4 boys; Emmalea however is hoping for a little girl or two. I don't care how many boys or girls we have because they'll have an awesome, cool, funny, and playful dad. Emmalea says I'm too excited but I can't help it. I'm the father of her children.

"Louis, I want potato salad!!!!". I have to get used to her weird cravings also. With Lexi giving us tips I think we will be able to raise our little ones with little trouble. Lexi told us that when she was pregnant with Elsa and Rocky she was tired all the time. She also told us that we should walk around the corner after dinner if we could. Lexi isn't walking because this pregnancy is taking it's toll on her. I don't like seeing Emmalea in pain so I wouldn't stand seeing her give birth. Emmalea has morning sickness and I can't take any of it away but if I could I would.

A/N: I know this is a boring chapter but this is a filler chapter that's important. Like I said in the beginning Niall and Louis have no idea of what they're doing. If you're wondering when they did "it" I'm going to tell you. Niall and Lexi did "it" the night he came back home from the UAN tour. Louis and Emmalea did it the night "Game Night" took place on. The next chapter will be on the day Lexi is due so I'm skipping seven months ahead and the twins will be three years old. You'll find out the genders of the twins then. Emmalea's due date will be the chapter after the next one.


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