Helping with the babies

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A/N : hey Louis here this is my punishment for running off. I'm doing authors notes. the babies are now at home and Niall and I are taking care of them. Tori will be helping Emmalea and I. Niall has Lexi give him tips on newborns. Harry gets to meet Kiara and Kelsey for the first time. I'll be the (parenthesis), {And Alex will be these}. Niall's and Lexis were brought home 5 weeks before Em's and I's.

Niall's POV: I was calming Kelsey down while Lexi was sleeping. Lexi has given me tips and advice that will help me as the newborns grow.

"Shhhhh... it's okay kitten." I held her close as I took her to the living room with me.

"Down in Killarney many years ago, my mother sang a song to me in tones so sweet and low." I finished singing to her. (The song he sang to her is called: "That's an Irish lullaby" by J. R. Shannon. Alex posted a video on the side so you could hear the song.) She was trying to stay awake but sleep took over her little green eyes.(Some of Lexi's family has green eyes so Alex decided to make the newborn twins have green eyes.){besides in reality I come from a family of blue,brown, and Hazel. Though my eyes look like they're green at times}

I held her close as she slept. I can't believe that I made her with Lexi. Kiara is mischievous like her uncle Louis and is really cheeky like her uncle Harry. Kelsey is the complete opposite though. She is really shy but once she gets to know you she is quite goofy like Zayn, but when they are hungry they are both a lot like me.

I heard a knock on the door. I stood up carefully so Kelsey wouldn't wake up and answered it.

"Hey Niall." It turned out to be Harry.

"Hey Haz what's up???" He shrugged his shoulders and replied," Not much really just wanted to stop by and meet my new nieces." I smiled at him and waved him on in.

"Well at the moment my little kitten Kelsey is sleeping and my little lion Kiara is sleeping also." I told him but I handed him Kelsey and made sure he was holding her correctly before I went to get Kiara. I came back with Kiara who was waking up and saw Kelsey still sleeping in Harrys arms and traded with him. He took Kiara gladly and held her close.

"Hey I'm your uncle Haz. I'm glad to meet you Kiara." Kiara stuck her tongue out at him and he chuckled.

"We're a bit cheeky aren't we??" He asked her and she stuck her tongue out at him again. I started chuckling.

"She's just like you and she's mischievous like Louis." I smiled as Harry made a silly face to make her watch him.

Louis' POV(about time Alex!!) : "Shhhhhh... it's okay little Lou, daddy's got ya." I tried comforting my son but couldn't. Tori was helping Emmalea and I with the quadruplets but I was struggling with fatherhood. Niall makes it look easy. (it's true he does) Tori had Alex(don't ask why my daughter is named after the 13 year old who made me a father. Her friend suggested the names for her.) and handed her to me while she took little Lou. (we are going to call him that a lot)

"Thanks for helping us Tori." I thanked her. With her here I figured that I could probably handle fatherhood. I could tell that Brittany was a daddy's girl when I first held her. As I held her she was very cute. For the record none of the boys met them yet. Tori told me that Harry was going to stop by at Niall's to meet his second set of twins. From what I heard Niall has fatherhood down to a T. I would've gone over if I didn't have my own family to worry about.

"Daddy loves you so much Brittany you know that?? He'll be here for ya while you grow up."Brittany was the preemie out of the four so that's why she's my favourite. "

Looks like daddy's little girl enjoys you talking to her." I looked up only to see Emmalea standing in the doorway. I smiled and nodded my head. I held Brittany close as she was sleeping and went over and gave Emmalea a kiss.

"Ewww!! You two are even worse than Niall and Lexi when it comes to having too much PDA" Tori told us.

A/N: Louis here. This chapter took forever. Alex was watching a family friends son Dominique the other day. He's really really adorable. Can I suprise adopt him?? I'm going to ask Paul.

Alex: Louis if you suprise adopted him I would've been dead meat.

Tori: Alex can I have tattoo??

Harry: Alex please let her have one.

Alex: Not now. Wait until you two are married.

Louis: did you guys hear that Sophiam broke up?


Louis: You're a little too excited Alex calm down.


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