Daddy Horan Christmas Special

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Daddy Horan Xmas special

Niall's POV: Lexi and I were trying to put the kids to bed. We've been in Florida for about 7 months and Elsa found many kids who enjoy hanging out with her. Rocky gave us the silent treatment for three months.
"Matthew, buddy you got to go to sleep if you want Santa to come." I told my youngest. He ran past me in his pjs. I looked at Lexi and we both knew it was time for plan B. She stood in the hall about a foot away from his bedroom door while I chased him towards her. He ran towards the hall and Lexi caught him.
"Put me down!!! Put me down!!!!!!" He screamed. Lexi was struggling to hold him so I helped her. I grabbed my eight year old son from my wife. ( his birthday is July 31st) He started crying so I held him close just to calm him down. I don't like seeing any of my children cry, and Lexi knows that. His cries became hiccups as he calmed down. Lexi and I went into his room. I laid him on his bed and gave him a kiss. I stood up with a groan.
"Your knee acting up again?" Lexi asked me. I could tell she was worried. I nodded my head just trying to get through the pain. She came over to me.
"You sit down and relax, okay? I'll handle the rest." she told me. I shook my head.
"I'm fine princess, besides you can't handle them all by yourself." I told her. She shook her head as I helped her round up Kelsey and Kiara. We managed to do that in about 30 minutes. By then it was 9:30 so we found Rocky and Elsa in their rooms passed out. Lexi and I headed towards our bed and got ready. I took my shirt off which revealed my only tattoo.
"I still am getting used to you with a tattoo Nialler." Lexi told me. I chuckled.
"Well I'm used to your tattoo. It's what makes us a family." I told her. She put on her pyjamas while I took my pants off. I pushed her into our bed as I kissed her passionately. She pulled away.
"Not tonight, besides if we do it again the bed actually might break." She told me. I winked cheekily at her.
"Then we'll just have to buy a new one, won't we?" I asked. She playfully slapped my back. I pulled the covers up.
"Night princess." I whispered.
"Night Nialler." She replied softly. I held her close to me as sleep overtook my eyes.

Lexi's POV: I woke up with Niall still holding me close to him. I heard a pair of little feet running towards our room. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.
"Daddy!!! Mummy!!!! Wake up!!!! Santa came!!!!! Santa came!!!!" Shouted Matthew. I opened my eyes and saw my youngest sons blue eyes.
"Nialler, wake up. C'mon babe, Matthew is awake already." I told my husband.
"5 more minutes princess." He groaned as he released me from his grip and rolled over.
"Looks like more pancakes for Matt." I told him. He playfully growled.
"You wouldn't dare." He said sleepily.
"C'mon buddy, looks like daddy won't get my famous pancakes." I told my youngest. I started to get out bed, but felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

Niall's POV: "Fine I'm up. Lets go make break feast then we can do gifts." I told my little boy. I let Lexi go so she could cook and I picked Matt up.
"Morning buddy. How's my little bear doing??" I asked him. He nuzzled into my shoulder. I'm sure he's a daddy's boy. We headed to the kitchen where Lexi was making blueberry pancakes and oatmeal. I grabbed plates, bowls, and cups while Matthew grabbed spoons, forks, and butter knives. I helped him set the table. He was growing up too fast. I want another little lad, but the doctor told us that Lexi won't be able to have anymore kids. That won't stop us from trying though. I finished helping Matthew set the table and went to wake up Kiara, Kelsey, Rocky, and Elsa.
"Elsa, baby, come on mum is making blueberry pancakes. Your favourite." I told her. She just pulled her blankets over her head. I looked at the foot of her bed and saw Lucky.
"Lucky, where's Elsa?? Find her for me." I told the dog. She started to pull the blanket off of Elsa.
"Lucky... stop... no..." Elsa mumbled. Lucky pulled them all the way off.
"Good girl Lucky." I told her as I scratched her ears.
"Elsa Marie Horan, breakfast is ready. Get up sweetie." I pleaded with my daughter. She reluctantly got out of bed. We went to the table where Lexi had served the food. Lexi and I were at separate ends. Matthew and Elsa were on either side of me. Next to Elsa was Kelsey. Kiara and Rocky were next to Matthew while there was an empty chair next to Kelsey. We started eating, and talking about our dreams.
"I had a dream where I had a little brother, and we did everything together. I want a little brother so much." Matthew told us. I looked at Lexi and saw an excited look in her eyes.
"I had a dream that I was 8 again and broke my arm." Rocky told us calmly. He's broken his arm 3 times already due to football, or what the Americans call it; soccer.
"I didn't have a good dream. The cancer was back and I was on my deathbed with no one to stay with me." Elsa whispered so we could barely hear. Every time she has that dream it breaks my heart. I don't want to lose her at all. She's probably my favourite child yet.
"Well, I had a dream that we were all happy no matter what." Kelsey told us. I love how my little girl looks to the bright side of everything.
"I'm gonna sound ridiculous but, I had a dream where your mother was forcing me to ride a unicorn while singing 'Night Changes' and wearing a tutu that was green." I told everyone. Kiara started laughing so hard that her orange juice came out her nose. She quickly wiped it up. Lexi was sitting there blushing. We finished eating our breakfast and headed towards the living room. I turned on some Christmas music to listen to as we unwrapped presents.

*Later That Night*
Matthew, Kelsey, Kiara, Elsa, and Rocky were passed out in the living room. Lexi was picking up the wrapping paper. Once she was done I helped her take the kids to their rooms. Matt looks adorable when he's asleep. When it came to Elsa I picked her up, but Lexi was helping.
"You shouldn't be doing this anymore Niall. You know your knee could give out at any given moment." She told me sternly.
"I know, but I will always be the daredevil I was when we were careless teenagers in love." I told her. She rolled her eyes. We had to wake Rocky up a bit so he could go to his room. When he got there I gave Lexi my gift to her.
"Niall James Horan, I can't believe you at all." She told me when she saw the lingerie I got her. She handed me an envelope.
"Open it." She told me. I opened it carefully and pulled out a folded piece of paper. My eyes lit up with joy.
"We're having another baby?" I asked excitedly. She nodded her head as she took my hand and put it on her stomach.
"Thank you again." I whispered in awe.
"How far along are you?" I asked.
"Almost three months. We're gonna find out the gender on the 5th next year." She told me. Three months along and I didn't notice. Well I did get lucky on my birthday so that must be when we got pregnant.
"When are we telling the kids?" I asked her.
"As soon as we know the gender." She replied as she leaned in to kiss me.
"You know your hair is going grey right princess?" I asked her. She nodded her head.
"Your also going grey Mr. Horan." She whispered. I chuckled at her.
"Let's head to bed now, shall we?" I asked.
"We shall." She replied.

A/N : OMG!! I'm so sad that this story is coming to an end. Now there'll be an epilogue before its over for good. Thanks to everyone who has been there from the beginning and who are here now. I wouldn't have been where I am right now without any of you. Thank you and Happy Holidays!! 🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁

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