Flashback 2

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A/N: Louis here. As you can tell this is going to be a flashback chapter. There will be no spoilers in this authors note but will be some at the authors note at the end of this chapter. Let's do this poo!!!!

Niall's POV: *Meeting her family*

Let's just say I'm really nervous about meeting Lexi's family.

"Niall you ready to meet my family?" She asked. I nodded my head as she took my hand.

"There's a few things you should know before you meet them. Three of my siblings aren't the nicest and the other two are really really nice." She told me.

"Have you had any other boyfriends before me?" She nodded her head.

"I only had one other but he dated me to get closer to my sister Miranda." Okay so she's only has one ex so I'm pretty sure she's the kind of girl that doesn't know what true love is.

"Are you sure your family will be okay with you dating me?" I asked her. She nodded her head.

"Of course Niall. They'll love you I'm sure of it." She told me. That made me feel better. I wonder why she doesn't talk about her family much. I took her to meet my family and they loved her right away. Especially my mum. As we walked up to her parents place I began worrying that they'll hate me. She squeezed my hand.

"Don't worry about it Niall. They're happy as long as I'm happy." {am I the only one singing "Forever Young" right here?} She told me. I felt a little bit better. Hopefully the two siblings that are nice enjoy hanging out with me. She rang the door bell.

"Password!?!?" Shouted a males voice. Lexi thought for a moment.

"Harold is hotter than the sun!!!" She shouted back. The door opened and revealed a short 13 or 14 year old with blue eyes and a buzz cut.

"Lexi, I missed you sis!! How are you??? And who's this??" He said to Lexi. She hugged him.

"I'm doing fine Harold and this is my boyfriend Niall." I waved at him. We went inside and I saw her other siblings.

"Who's this Lexi?" Asked a girl about 19 or 20. She looks a lot like Lexi only with green eyes and really muscular for a girl.

"Miranda, this is my boyfriend Niall. So don't you dare try to kill him." Lexi told her. Miranda glared at Lexi.

"Reason why I can't wait to leave for the army again." Miranda replied sarcastically. This one is in the army???No wonder Lexi sounds like she dislikes this sister. Miranda turned around and left.

"Who's this cutie Lexi?" Said a sweet voice. We turned around and saw that a girl about the same age as Miranda with white/blond hair and blue eyes like mine was standing behind us. "Perrie this is my new boyfriend Niall. Niall this is Perrie the best sister I could ever ask for. The one who left was Miranda and my younger brother Harold was the one who answered the door. Hence the password 'Harold is hotter than the sun.' I'm surprised we haven't ran into Cornelius or Zeke yet." I guess Perrie and Harold are the nice ones and the others are the mean ones. When she introduced me to her parents they were excited that she found someone better than her ex. When we left I realised I was worrying over nothing.

Lexi's POV: *First Fight*

I was hiding in my closet.

"GET YOUR ARSE OUT HERE NOW!!!!!" I heard Niall coming towards my hiding spot. I held my breath as I heard him look around my room for me. He yanked my closet open.

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING???" He yelled at me. I cowered at his voice. He never yelled at me that loud.

"It's not what you think Niall." I said softly. It wasn't close to what he thought. He's drunk and he thought I was cheating on him at the club. I'm sober because I'm not old enough to drink. I'm only 17 but I got my own place recently.

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