Chapter 5

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I woke up in a room that smelled like peppermint. That was the first thing I could think of in this place. I opened my eyes and was almost blinded by the light of the room. It wasn't that bright, but I hadn't seen light in a while.

I was in a beige painted bedroom. I was in a bed with red linens and lying a red pillow. I felt bandages all over my body and the phantom limb pain had gone away. There was the girl who had saved me, her black hair and all, sitting next to my bed. She wore a blue shirt and white skinny jeans. She was pretty and look vaguely familiar, if she hadn't had so many scars she would've been extremely pretty. Like, supermodel pretty.

"Oh good, you're awake," The girl smiled as she picked up a bowl. "Here, you need to have something to eat." I used my one arm to get myself leaning against the wall the bed was against. The girl began spoon feeding me, and I gladly obliged.

"How long have I been out?" I asked between spoonfuls. The girl smiled.

"About a day or so, not that long." I groaned.

"Why couldn't it have been longer?" the girl chuckled.

"You seem to be grumpy," I looked her in the eyes, my eyes steely and ready to kill.

"I've been tortured for 1-year kid. I lost my arm to Patrick Stump, and was nearly hooked up to the Evil-O-Meter! I don't need this shit right now!" She jumped up and nearly ran out of the room. Still holding the bowl, she looked at me from the door. When she had finally calmed down, she walked over and put the bowl on the dresser next to my bed.

"My little brother will bring you some more food later. You can read any books you want off that shelf, listen to any music you want, or watch any movies, just don't go near my family." Her Mexican accent flared up than nearly disappeared as she finished her speech. She turned, walked out, and nearly slammed the door closed. I leaned back against the wall and sighed. I knew I needed to work on some stuff.

"I am definitely not doing too hot." I looked down at my stump. This was going to be a bumpy ride. I could already tell.

The girl's little brother came in with a sandwich about 4 hours later. It was nearly 6 in the evening, and the little boy was very shy. He slowly walked in, and quietly put the plate on the foot of my bed. I looked up from my book as I saw him try and sneak out.

"Not so fast," I said kindly. The boy stopped in his tracks. He was about 10, with short black hair that was spiked up at the front. He wore a red t-shirt and sweatpants that looked black but may have been navy blue. I always had a problem telling those two apart. "You can trust me, I'm no monster. Why don't you hand me the plate?" The little boy looked at me, then carefully grabbed the plate with 1 hand, and walked toward me, holding the plate out in front of him.

He squeezed his eyes shut as he approached me. He quickly set down the plate and tried to run out of the room. I grabbed his right arm as he tried to run, and smiled as he looked back in fear. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"You don't have an arm," He told me. I sighed, looking at my stump.

" I know I don't. I guess how it was taken. I pirate took it!" I set down the plate and tickled the boy's stomach. He laughed and flopped on the bed over my legs.

"Tell me, tell me!" He yelled. I smiled, then helped him sit up. He smiled as I began to weave a tale about pirates on the high seas, secret organizations, and evil vegetables.

About 20 minutes later, the kid kept eyeing my sandwich. The sandwich was whole but cut into two pieces. I smiled and handed him 1 piece. He quickly smiled and started eating it ravenously. I chuckled and then bit into my sandwich. It was pepper jack cheese with ham on rye bread. Not my favorite, but with the lettuce and tomato, it was okay. I finished the sandwich and continued the story.

"The pirate had me walking the plank. He wanted my arm 'because he thought that it was magical. And as I walked the plank, I saw a rope hanging down. I jumped and grabbed it with my arm, and as I swung, the pirate captain stuck up his cutlass, and cut off my arm!" The little boy chuckled, and I noticed the girl from before standing in the doorway, smiling.

"Pablo! Time for bed. Muy Rapido!" The little boy jumped off my lap and laughed. The girl walked in, holding up her left arm as Pablo ran under it. She laughed lightly.

"He seems to like you," She walked in and picked up the bowl from earlier and the plate. "So, what were you telling him about?"

"How my arm was chopped off. In story form," I smiled. The girl gave me a glance. "Don't worry, I told him that a pirate crew kidnapped me to make me sing for them. When I didn't, he made me walk the plank. That's as far as I got in an hour."

"Okay then. I'll see you in the morning." The girl grabbed everything and began to walk out. As she did, I thought about something. If this girl was so familiar, then maybe I knew her.

"What's your name?" I asked. She turned around, smiled and replied.

"My name is Maya Rodriguez. What's yours?" I thought for a moment, then replied.

"Gale. Gale Lloyd." At that, Maya dropped the plate onto the floor. I could hear the thunk as it did. She looked at me, then her mouth fell open.

"Gale, Galaxy? Is it you?" I couldn't believe it.

"Mallord?" Maya beamed and covered her mouth with her hands, hunkering down with utter disbelief.

"We thought you were going to be turned!" She ran over, threw herself at me, and hugged me.

"I almost was. That's how I escaped. Where were you today?" Maya smiled.

"With the last of the Youngblood." I gasped.

"Who's alive? You gotta tell me!" Maya smiled, then frowned.

"Most of the people you knew are dead. We went through many attacks. Knight was thinking of giving up. But with you, we might stand a fighting chance." I shook my head.

"I'm missing an arm. I can't fight very well." Maya didn't seem phased in her plan.

"So, we could get you a prosthetic," She began to pace around the room. "This could work. Oh my God, it could work." I shook my head again, unable to believe what she said.

"Um, that costs money. Where would we get that?"

"You're not 18 yet right?" I shook my head.

"Then you could get a free one through Children's Mercy!" I couldn't believe it.

"Are you sure?" Maya held herself high and nodded proudly.

"Absolutely." I smiled.

"When can I get back in." Maya chuckled, then I did. Her laughing was contagious.

"In about a week, you are really out of whack." I nodded.

"No kidding," Then, I yawned. Maya smiled then headed toward the exit.

"I'll let you rest, sounds like you need it." I smiled, then lay down and snuggled up under the warm covers.

"Night Mallord," I said. Maya smiled as she flicked off the lights.

"Good night Galaxy. Sweet dreams." She closed the door and walked away. As I lay in my bed, I thought about everything that was going on.

"I need to be careful," I whispered as the crickets chirped through the open window. "I'm probably the only kid in California with a missing arm, I need to be careful," I remember thinking a little bit more, but I feel asleep and lost any recollection of what I had thought about after that point. 

Sorry guys, but I won't be able to update tomorrow. I hope you'll be okay. 

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