Chapter 7

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"We are dead," Pete muttered. After their defeat by Gale Lloyd, they had to report to Head Bitch #2.

"Yep, we are dead," Andy said sarcastically. The four men walked solemnly down the hall toward the dreaded office of Head Bitch #2. AKA Janice Lloyd. They were all wearing all black (just imagine them in clothes like they wore in Youngblood.), which matched they mode they were in.

Patrick reached the door first, his eyes gleaming yellow. Several of the younger girls scurried past him to avoid his gaze.

"Kids," He scoffed, knocking then entering the office. Janice sat at her desk, staring at the door.

"Well boys, I thought you'd never come," She smiled cruelly as she beckoned them in. "How goes the process?" Patrick reacted without giving anything away, but Pete started making a noise that resembled humming and rubbing his neck. Andy stopped short and Joe just walked out of the room.

"Well..." Andy started. "We got the girl to the chapel..."

"Yes, go on." Janice was smiling wildly, anticipation taking her over.

"The girl got away." Janice stopped spinning her brown leather chair. Her smile fell slightly. Then, her eyes flashed full of anger, and her smile turned into a frown.

"How could you let her get away?!" Janice lept up and threw almost everything on her desk to the ground. "How could you, the most ruthless group of people we have, let a 1 armed girl, who's been in prison for a year, defeat you?!!!!" Andy and Pete recoiled, and Joe could be heard screaming and falling to the ground outside the door. Patrick stood unfazed by it all. Instead, he calmly watched her, then, when she was done, began to talk.

"We can get to her. She won't be able to get outside of the county without getting noticed, she's missing an arm. And if she gets outside the state..." Patrick walked over to the bulletin board and stopped at a small post it with names of Government officials on it. "...We can make sure someone else gets her." Janice stopped her little temper tantrum and smiled.

"You are brilliant Patrick. I can't believe how much you have changed. You're so much more evil, analyzing every detail," Janice walked up to Patrick and landed a small kiss on his cheek. When they parted, Patrick's eyes were a blazing with yellow flame. He flashed an evil grin then walked out.

"So what are we doing?" Joe asked. Patrick pushed past the 3 other men and walked briskly down the hall.

"We are going to find her."

"But how?" Andy asked. "We don't know where she is!" Patrick smiled, then laughed.

"Oh, but we do. She is most likely with one of the resistance, so we find out who's in it..." Pete smiled.

"We find her. Good one." Patrick smiled, holding his hook up so it gleamed in the dim light.

"Let's go get the special ops." Pete smiled widely, followed by Joe, then Andy. Patrick's grin was getting bigger by the second.

"Can I do it this time?" Joe asked. Patrick sighed exasperatedly.

"Yes," Joe smiled and pulled out a black walkie-talkie.

"I need Annabeth, Ellie, Zira, Harper, and Nami to come to meeting room B." Joe put the walkie-talkie back on his belt and smiled. Andy smiled, then Pete smiled. Patrick smiled largest of all, venom dripping through his teeth and into his eyes. He passed a poster on the wall with the Voiceless logo (barred eighth note crossed out in a circle) and sliced hit diagonally from the top right corner. As the four walked by, they could see the fierceness of this group.

Not only had Patrick torn the poster, he had gashed the concrete under the poster. 

Sorry, this chapter is so short. It's one of 2 or 3 chapters that feature the evil people and will fill in some details. There will also be some chapters later where Galaxy (Gale) gets her new arm. They are sort of filler chapters, but they will be important later on. Thanks for the reads!

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