Chapter 16

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It was my turn at the wheel. At about 4 in the morning, everyone but me was asleep in the back. We had been looking for warehouses and found very few abandoned buildings at all. I had fallen asleep for a while and it was the only reason I was driving right now. I had stripped down to my white undershirt and had cut my jeans into short denim shorts. It was hot and the ac wasn't working, so I had all the windows down. My right arm hung out the window as I drove.

Shortly after a quarter till 5 I saw a darker shape in the distance. As we got closer, I noticed it was the right shape to be a warehouse, but it looked familiar. As I checked the GPS, I realized we were actually about 30 minutes away from Mallard's house. Apparently, we hadn't gone as far as I thought in almost 7 hours. The warehouse was one we hadn't been at yet, so I decided to check it out.

I parked the van right outside and turned off the headlights. Then, I individually woke everyone up. We were ready to go in about 5 minutes, right at 5 o'clock.

As we entered, nervous built up high in my stomach. I turned on a flashlight and scanned the room we had entered. There were several tables that looked very battered like someone had taken a hammer to them. All sorts of shards lay on the ground all around the tables. Most of them were wooden.

"What is this?" Torn mussed. I saw hammers, hatchets, axes, and even iron rods lying on the tables. We slowly continued down the center aisle. I swiped my pistol side to side, then picked up a chipped red broomstick without the broom part. At the end of the open room was a staircase leading up to something.

"This is too familiar," Android muttered.

"Yeah," I replied as I headed toward the staircase. "But where is it from?" We kept to a whisper and climbed up the staircase, me and Zaftig entered the room first.

Inside the room was a window, a desk, and a large banner with the Voiceless logo. On the desk was a glass jar, containing a hand. I nearly barfed. I inched a little bit closer as Zaftig grabbed at his stomach.

"Is that?" On the part of the hand between the thumb and pointer finger was the FOB logo. It was Patrick Stump's hand. I felt as if cold ice had been poured down my back.

"We have to go," I turned around and began heading down the staircase. "We have to go!" I yelped. Suddenly, the warehouse lights flipped on, revealing a group of girls in all black with Fall Out Boy in front of them.

"Shit!" I whispered. Pete cackled as we were caught in a searchlight.

"So, I see you've wandered across our other base," I was getting seriously antsy, plus I was in a very awkward position with my right leg crossed over my other leg and my hips turned so I could see.

"How many fricking bases do you even have?" I yelled as loud as I could, but my voice was still scratchy. Patrick laughed hard, and doubled over, clapping his hands as several others laughed maniacally.

"What the hell happened to your voice?" He yelled, trying to mimic me.

"You did! You set the building I was in on Fire!" Patrick smiled and began laughing.

"Oh, you were at Janice's house. The Head Bitch in Charge ordered it to be burned down. I remember seeing you..."

"Shut the hell up buddy! I am not kidding." My voice was getting better by the second. "I'm gonna give you one chance to let us go!" Andy looked at Patrick as Patrick doubled over from the laughing.

"We have almost 10 times more people than you do, how could you beat us?" Andy was definitely in doubt. I grabbed out my gun.

"Cause, we have these. Fire!" We opened fire, taking out at least 2 girls. We then went down and hit the deck, engaging in had to hand combat.

"Mallord, catch!" I threw my gun at her as she ran out of shots in hers. I then went into hand to hand with Fall Out Boy.

"You need to wise up. We've had guns since the beginning." Patrick went at me, and I grabbed his arm with my new hand. He screamed in pain as I twisted it around, then threw him. He wasn't wearing his glasses or fedora, but if he had been, they would have been gone and or broken. Pete went (z) after me and I hit him with the broomstick. He grabbed his abdomen and Joe came after me. 

Joe wasn't super hard to beat, but Andy works out, I don't. He was pretty much guaranteed to kill me. But I managed to grab his hand.

"You can try girl, but you'll never win," He reversed my grip and he now had me. I grimaced in pain and hoped the arm would start moving in a 360 circle in the wrist.

"You may win today, next week, for a month, years, or decades, but you will never totally defeat good. It's like you said," I burst out singing, screaming the lyrics loud enough to be heard. "Remember me for Centuries!" I punched Andy and spun away from him. I couldn't believe what was going on.

I was in the middle of a desert, outnumbered and surrounded. Android, Torn, Zaftig and a few other all around me. Mallord was in front of me. I clutched a recovered pistol in my right hand, the broomstick in my left hand.

"You did good kid," Pete cackled.

"There's just too few of you, and too many of us," Joe finished.

"As I was saying," Pete gave Joe the death glare. "We'll give you one chance to come willingly and become a difference maker, a savior..."

"Shut your fricking mouth!" I crushed the broomstick. "No one will go into that asshole ever again! You are not difference makers, you are evil sith, I don't know what the hell to call you!" Patrick doubled over laughing again. Andy smiled, then did something I wouldn't think he would.

Andy made a beeline for Mallord.

"No!" I shot him. Right. In. the. Heart. He fell down dead in less than 30 seconds. No one moved for a second, not even me. Still holding the smoking gun. Suddenly, Pete broke the silence.

"You little bitch!" My eyes widened as he ran toward me.

"Run!" I sprinted to the door, followed by the rest of my group. As I jumped in the van, the warehouse door slammed shut. I was numb, unable to comprehend what I had just done. Zaftig got in the front and hit the gas with the back door still open. Mormon and Torn grabbed the doors and slammed them shut.

Mallord grabbed my right shoulder and looked at me from the side, shock in her piercing blue eyes.

"Did you really just do that?" I shook my head.

"I really don't know. I just don't know," A few tears began to slide down my ash covered cheeks as we headed back toward town, the sun getting ready to rise. 

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