Chapter 14

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We made our way toward Mallard's house. Sadly, we had been unable to make it in time to help prevent the attack. We had sent out a single radio message warning of the danger but had gotten no reply from anyone. We were both worried that Voiceless had ended us once and for all.

As we entered the driveway, Mallord leaned back in her seat and sighed, turning off the car. "Look..." She looked out the window and rubbed her neck. "If we're the only ones left..."

"If we are, we can stop if you want," Mallard looked at me like I was crazy.

"No! I was going to say we need to continue! We'll have to figure out a way to get more people in, but we can do it." She opened her door and we got out. The whole house seemed to be lit up even though it was nearly 9:30 at night. Mallard unlocked the door and we entered.

The whole house was filled with groaning. People were sitting around in singed clothes, some bleeding, some with tended wounds, some who needed their wounds tended.

"Oh, my god," I muttered. Mallord rushed over to help her mother while I rushed over to Android.

"Galaxy, your back," She had a bandage over her abdomen and part of her shirt had been ripped off.

"What happened?" I asked frantically. Zaftig walked over, thankfully untouched.

"Voiceless attacked. They must have known we were here. They brought the 4 boys and plenty of former resistance girls. We managed to keep them out without major casualties to us, but then they burned down the house. We lost 3 kids. But we have a lot more kids coming here."

"Coming here?"

"Yeah, that video of you went viral on YouTube. We were able to recruit about 100 kids. We were gonna need another base anyway, they just moved us out quicker." I nodded.

"You look like you need new clothes," Several kids were walking around half naked. There were a few girls in what looked to be bikinis and other swim gear clutching sheets to hide from the boys. "I'll go to my house and grab some clothes. Let Mallord or Knight know I'll be back soon," I rushed out of the room and into the taxi we had stolen. Luckily, the keys were still in the ignition. I quickly started and headed for my house.

When I entered it was dark. The place still looked like how Knight and I had left it. I quickly headed down to the laundry room and got some boxes. There, I found some of my now deceased older brother Braden's clothes.

"Hope you don't mind me using them big b," Braden was about 17 or so when he disappeared around my 8th or 9th birthday. My mom had revealed he had been killed by Voiceless, but not much else. I sighed as I loaded the boxes and some laundry baskets with clothes. I hauled them into the car and them went into my parent's room.

The clothes in the closets hadn't been touched. My mother had been about 5'8" and my father was 5'10" so their clothes would fit some of us perfectly, and others it would be a little small or big. I loaded it all up and realized I would need more space. I quickly and quietly attached the mini trailer that was in the side yard and put some of the clothes (covered and tied down of course) onto it. I ran back into my room and began piling things into baskets, mostly clothes, and some shoes.

On my last trip up, I saw my music stuff. I decided to take down all the band merchandise from the walls that were clothing related and ended up with about a basket from that. I then looked over at my music stuff.

"This might be useful," I began piling the cd's and earbuds over the radio as I put them in a spare basket. I made it out with basically everything from my room, and the bedding from the entire house.

After my last trip, I decided to run back in and grab some food. Although I hadn't been in the house for over a year, there would still be some crackers and frozen stuff I could bring. I ran in with a few boxes and began loading up the food. As I did, I began to smell smoke. The smell got stronger, and I began to cough.

I brought out the three boxes I had and looked around to try and see the source of the smell. I literally walked into the fire. I could see in the doorway was Patrick Stump, his eyes gleaming yellow as he held up a lit torch ( the kind you see at 4th of July parties that have the bamboo pole and have a really big flammable area) in his hand. I began to choke as he ran away and toward what I assumed was his getaway.

"I have (cough) to (cough, cough, hack) out of (cough, cough, cough hack, cough) here..." I fell the floor as I inhaled the smoke. I knew I had to get out, but my body wouldn't go," Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted up, and I saw what looked to be the outline of a person lifting me up. I was carried out the door and laid on the grass. My face was smashed with ash and so were my hands, which had sustained minor burns (sadly, with my arm it could sense pain, but had not been damaged).

The soft grass felt amazing on my face. As I looked up, I saw my long deceased brother standing over me. He wore a white short sleeved shirt with blue jeans. His brown hair was spiked up somewhat and he wore a playful smiled.

"Braden? What the hell?" My voice was weak from the smoke I had inhaled.

"I see you picked up on my curse word vocabulary," he chuckled then got down on his knees. He held up my chin and looked into my eyes. "You'll be fine, you're not ready yet. You still have to get rid of what killed me,"

"You mean that cult?" he shook his head.

"They were connected, but not totally with the cult," He stood up and suddenly began to fade. "You'll be fine sis. Gal, you have to do this."

"Don't leave please!" I said as loud as I could, which was barely above a whisper.

"I have to, but don't worry, you'll be in contact with someone I know soon enough." with that, he was gone. I had no idea what had happened, but the house behind me was in flames. I quickly got up and into the car, then drove back toward our base. 

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