Chapter 9

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( Rose's POV )

"Are you guys ok ?" the police officer asked

"No you freaking made us hit you " I yelled

He walked away .I herd sirens again , then I saw an ambulance . I pushed the air bag away with one hand and opened the door with the other I looked down at my hand and the stitches had come undone and it was bleeding . I stepped out and the police officer told me to turn around , so I turned around and he cuffed me . and he stuck me in his car , I looked out and saw Sundee and Mark being put into two other police cars . The car started to move and I looked out the window up into the sky .

( Katy's POV )

I'm recording a song and they shut the music off .

"Hey what's going on ? why did you shut it off ? " I asked

"Rose is in jail again " Tamra said

I got up and walked to her . she handed me my phone

"It's the police " she said handing it to me

"Hello "

"Hello , Ms.Perry ?"

"Yes "

"Well you daughter Rose was caught joyriding , we are going to need you to come down here and bail her out or you can leave her in here for a wile , your choice "

"I'll be right there " I said as I hung the phone up

" I got to go I'm sorry " I told Tamra

"It's ok go ahead I'll talk to them " she said

I walked out and I got in my car , I drove to the police station and I bailed Rose out . she came out and had a cut on her cheek .

"Are you ok ?" I asked

"Ya I'm fine " she answered

We walked out the doors and to my car I got in and closed the door and buckled and started it .

"Why did you do that ?" I asked

"Because you left the house and didn't even leave food or have food , and you might not know this but we do eat " Rose said sarcastically

"I know but why didn't you just wait or ride your bikes ?" I asked

"It's away to far for us to ride to any food place and to far to walk to the bus " she answered

"Oh well you guys really thought you would be fine doing that ?" I asked

"Ya well we don't care , none of our parents care about us we can do whatever we want , besides who cares " she answered rudely

"I do care , your the one who doesn't care " I said

"Keep telling yourself that " she said

We got to my house and Rose got out and hopped on her bike and left .

"Make sure your back before it gets dark !" I yelled

I walked in and I put my keys on the counter , wait the money I left is gone , is Rose steeling from me , why doesn't she just ask .

( Rose's POV )

I got to the park and sat under a tree I was just thinking of how much I missed Elysia ,and how I have to go to school tomorrow and see those jerks that teased me . then my phone buzzed I opened it and I saw a text from Mark it said 'my parents bailed me out I'm at home and they are yelling at me , wanna do something ?' I answered ' ya sure I'm at the park if you wanna come ' he answered back immediately ' ya I'm on my way ' . Now what can I do to get even with those jerks , I thought for a while but was interrupted I saw Mark walking over here .

"Hey why didn't you ride ?" I asked

"My parents said I was grounded from my bike " he answered

"Oh that sucks "

"Ya what did you get grounded from ?"

"Nothin "

"Lucky , so what trouble are you up to now ?"

"Ha ha very funny plus it was you who suggested to take the car anyway "

"Haha true but still "

"So I was thinking -

" Uh oh "

"Hey don't interrupt me , anyways I was thinking if you wanted to stay out all night and stay up and just hang out ?"

"Ya sure , Sundee just texted me and said she at home now and is so bored"

"Well tell her to come and hang out with us "

"Ok I will , she said ok "

"Ok cool do you think she will stay out with us ?"

"Ya maybe but we can't stay outside all night , we'll freeze to death "

"Ya where should we go ?"

"Well my brother has an apartment , but it's 45 minuets away so we would have to leave when Sundee gets here "

"Ok , but won't your brother call your parents ?"

"Nah he works nights at a prison , and I know where he hides his spare key "

"Ok cool , we got a plan haha "

"Yep we sure do haha , it's getting dark Sundee better hurry "

"Hey I'm here calm down , plus what's the hurry ?" Sundee said as she came walking up behind Mark .

M: "oh sorry , and Rose want us to stay out all night and my brother has an apartment but it's 45 minuets away so we need to go now are you coming ?"

S:" ya sure lets go "

We got on our bikes except Mark he got on my bike and I got on my pegs . we rode as fast as we can go but then Sundee got out of breath and we stopes for five minuets then got back to riding , we finally get there .

R:" I thought you said it would only take 45 minuets and it took an hour "

M: "ya but who cares at least we got here right ?"

S:" ya ya who cares just hurry and unlock the door I'm freezing to death "

Mark unlocked the door and we all rushed in , it was a good sized there was one bedroom with a bed and there was a kitchen with food unlike Katy's house and there was a couch with a tv .

S: "wow this place is nice "

M: "ya and we can leave during the day and come back at night when my brother leaves , it will be like we have our own apartment "

R: "ya but how long are we going to stay ?"

M: "however long you guys want , 'cause I don't care we are already going to be in trouble for tonight might as well go all the way , but it's totally up to you guys "

S: " ya I think we should stay awhile , oh wait we have school tomorrow "

R: "let's ditch school for a few days , deal ?"

M&S: "Deal "

M: "who wants to watch spongebob ?"

R: "i do "

S: " ya me too "

M: " ok but let's watch it in the bedroom so you guys can lay on the bed , to set it up , and I'll get some blanket for me on the floor if I fall asleep "

Me and Sundee went to the room and turned on the tv and put spongebob on . we both jumped on the bed and got under the blankets and I put my pillow leaning on the back and I sat up on it , Sundee did too . Mark came in and layer his blankets on the floor and layer down . we watched tv and I finally fell asleep .

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