Chapter 32

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( Rose's POV )

We arrived yesterday in Tokyo , we were all exhausted but I'm fine now but I'm bored , earlier we rehearsed and now Katy said we were going to the concert in a few minuets but I'm already ready so I'm just waiting for Katy . I'm so nervous about singing tonight .

"Guys let's go " Katy said as she grabbed her keys and opened the hotel door . we walked out to the lobby and out side , we were swarmed by paparazzi flashing cameras and asking questions to all of us .

"Please get out of my way I need to go " Katy yelled as she pushed them out of her way making a path for us to go , we got to her rental car and I got in the passengers seat and buckled up . Katy jinked the horn and began to drive .

"So when we get there you guys will be going to a dressing room and then some people will be doing your make-up and hair then I'll see you guys right before the concert ok ?" Katy said she sounded very annoyed

"Ok " we all said

"Mark your going to be taken to a seat in the front by Tamra and we will meet you after the concert ok ?" she asked

"Ok , you guys nervous ?" he asked me and Sundee

"Yes totally" I said

"Me too , I feel like I'm going to barf " Sundee said

"You guys will do fine , right Katy " Mark said

"You better " Katy said making me feel more nervous about this

"K...K...Katy I don't know if I want to do this anymore " I said worriedly

"You need to , don't be a freaking quitter " she yelled

"Calm down I was just saying you don't have to yell" I yelled back

"Shut up don't raise your voice at me " she yelled slamming her breaks " wait I'm sorry , I shouldn't have said that , you guys will do great " she apologized . I didn't answer I just sat there staring out the window "Rose I'm really sorry you too Sundee " Katy apologized again

"It's ok " Sundee said

"Ya it is " I said still looking out the window , I don't feel like getting mad right before her concert .

"I love all of you " Katy said as we parked . we all got down and swarmed by paparazzi like before . we pushed them out of our way and went in " that always annoys me " Katy said , I saw people running over to us , some of them grabbed me and Sundee then others grabbed Katy and pulled her away as they pulled us the opposite direction . I feel so awkward , people I don't even know are pulling me into a dressing room and putting clothes in me as if I've never done it myself , they out on a puffy white and punk dress on me and pulled me to a chair , I saw Sundee and felt relieved to see her , she was wearing the exact same clothes as me .

"Hi , I'm so glad to see you " I said grabbing her hand

"I'm glad to see you , your the only one I know here " she said giggling

"I know , I love your dress " I said giggling

"Thanks yours is way better " she said laughing being ours were the same exact dress

"Stay still " a guy said putting make-up on my . we were finished and still have ten minuets till it starts . I'm so nervous

"Well let's go wait for Katy by the left stage entrance where she said " Sundee said pulling me along with her , we waited for about five minuets but Katy wasn't here yet .

"Where do you think she is ?" I asked

"Probably dressin' up " she said linking arms with me

"Girls here are your mics "a lady said handing us pink microphones

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