Chapter 21

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****a month later ****

( Katy's POV )

I woke up and walked down stairs , Shannon was making coffee .

"Do you want some coffee?" she asks

"Yes please " I say sitting down at the table

"How are you doing ?" she asks out of nowhere

"Fine I guess , I do miss Rose and Mark I feel bad about taking Sundee up there and now she's gone and her parents are saying it's not my fault but I know it is . I just want Rose to come home " I say as tears trickling down my cheeks

"She'll come back she has too , she just needs some time " she said

I stood up and went up to my room . I lay there crying , why am I such a horrible person , why does Rose hate me so much to leave , why doesn't she give me one more try , why can't I find my baby I want her back I want to see her beautiful face looking at me even if it's with hate I want to see her , I wish she loved me to stay , I know I haven't talked to you in a while but God please help me find her or make her come back to me , please God . I prayed still crying my head hurting my stomach hurting and I'm sleepy from no sleep , I haven't eaten for days , I feel so weak I know I need to eat but I want Rose back . I know Shannon is here for me but I feel alone like I'm going through this on my own the pain that I'm not a good mother that my daughter my own blood hates me , I need to stop thinking about Rose it just makes me depressed and I don't need that I need to stay strong for myself . I got up and walked back down stairs , Shannon was sitting on the couch crying quietly .

"What's wrong ? I thought you wanted Rose gone " I said furrowing my eyebrows

"You know I didn't I just wanted her to get help , I just wanted her to stop hurting you over and over again , and if you feel like that then call me when you start thinking right " she yelled walking out the door and soaking it behind her . I walked over and opened the door and yelled " don't slam my door you jerk " I closed the door and ran to the couch and laid on it crying my eyes out , now I am fully alone and it's all my fault , what have I done my daughter left me and now my best friend left me , why did I say that I know it's not true I'm so stupid . I walked up and grabbed my phone from my bed and called Shannon .

"Hello " she answered

"Hey it's me i-" she interrupted me

" I don't want to talk to you right now I'll call you in a few days " she said

"No you won't I won't be here , goodbye Shannon " I said tears streaming down my face as I pushed the red button

I walked over to my bathroom and went to my medicine cabinet , and poorer the whole bottle of melatonin in my hand , I walked down and grabbed some water from my fridge my hands shaking as I do , I put the pills on the counter and grabbed a pen .

( Shannon's POV )

"No you won't I won't be here , goodbye Shannon " Katy said I could here her voice cracking

She wouldn't do that , would she , she would , I left her and Rose left . I turned the car around immediately and sped down the road an pulled into her driveway , I got out and ran to the front door opening it , Katy was standing there in the kitchen with water in her hand and pills .

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