Chapter 14

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*** spring break ***

( Katy's POV )

It's been three weeks since Mark has moved in with us , Rose and I hardly talk we usually only talk when she asks to sleep over at a friends , I try to but nothing comes out , I'm so depressed .

"Hey Katy I'm going to sleep over at my friends tonight , just wanted to let you know " Mark said as he opened the door and left

"Ok have fun " I said

Rose is sitting down on the other side of the couch . it's like I'm not even here , like I'm invisible to her . she's on the phone

"Ya I know .... she sucks .... ya she's sitting here ...... who cares ..... ok well bye " she said as she hung up her phone

"Rose who were you talking to ?" I asked

"That's not really any of your business " she said rudely

"I'm you mother done be rude " I said

"You might have gave birth to me but your not my mother " she said

My eyes were watering .

"No , I am your mother I gave birth to you and I take care of you . I try to make you happy , but your never happy , you don't like me , and you don't try with me "I said looking into her eyes

"I don't need to try , I don't want to try , I used to try but I gave up , you don't know me , so stop looking at me like you do and talking to me like you do , 'cause you don't !" She shouted

"And you don't know me , you act like you do and I'm horrible , so you stop acting like you know me . your rude and horrible to me , I know what you do Rose !" I shouted back as I ran to my room

"Right go hide in your room like a little kid " she yelled running after me

"Stu up you do it all the time , so don't be telling me anything " I turned around and continued in my room , I closed the door . over and over Rose tares my heart to pieces , I can't take it , it hurts to see my baby like this , she hates me . I cried into my pillow . not caring how loud I was .

( Rose's POV )

I herd Katy crying hard and loud , I knocked on her door . "Katy can I please come in "I asked

"No please just leave me alone right now " she said crying

"I'm sorry Katy please I'm sorry " I said as slid down her door

Katy opened her door , I fell back on her feet , she walked past me and down the stairs .

"Where are you going ? " I asked as she grabbed her keys

"Out " she said still crying as she opened the door

"No wait " I said running to her , I grabbed her arm and pulled her in , " Please don't go " I pleaded

" No I want to go right now " she said trying to get out of my grip

( Katy's POV )

"No I want to go right now " I told Rose trying to get her to let go of me , I didn't want to look at her , if I did I might give in , and I can't do that.

" No please Katy stay " she begged me , as she let to of my hand and wrapped her arms around me

"Rose let go " I said grabbing her hands

"No I'm sorry katy I didn't mean that , I was just mad " she said tightening her grip

"Rose let go " I said again

I finally was able to get her hands off me and I walked to the door and out , almost to the car.

"Fine leave , everyone leaves me " she yelled as she slammed the door

Now I can't leave her like this what if she does something to herself , I could never live with myself if she did , I turned around and walked back to the house , I opened the door , Rose was on the floor crying hard , I knelt down . what have I done ? she apologized I should've accepted it , I'm so stupid . I put my hand on her back and she immediately stood up and pushed me away .

" I thought you were leaving " she said

"Well I changed my mind "I said standing up

"Well I want you to leave or I will , I don't want to see you " she said

"No I'm not leaving and neither are you " I said walking towards the door

"That's where your wrong "she said then took off running to the back door , I followed after her .

"Wait I'll leave " I shouted

She stopes and walked back past me and I follow her walking into the house .

"You said you were leaving " she said crossing her arms

"I am I just need my key , I am coming back though " I said as I grabbed my keys

I walked out and got in my car , I started it and drove , not knowing where I was going .

( Rose's POV )

Katy walked out , I walked to the couch and laid on it crying . just do it nobody will know and even if they do who cares . I bought to myself , I got up and walked up to my bathroom , I got a razor and I cut again and again . actually why don't you just die just do it , Katy doesn't want you Marks going to do it , why not . I thought I stood up and walked back down to the kitchen , I pulled out a butchers knife .

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