Chapter 41

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(Katy's POV)

I shot up and ran to Rose's room. she was screaming and crying. I went to her and held her trying to calm her.

"Is she ok?" Shannon asked walking over to me

"Ya I guess she's having a nightmare again" I sighed as I rubbed her back.

"Well wake her up, might help"Shannon said sitting on the other side.

"Katy help, Marsh please come down please" Rose cried still sleeping

"Katy wake her up she's suffering and scared in her dream" Shannon said. I shook her lightly and she opened her eyes.

"Sorry I woke you guys" Rose said, she looked exhausted

"It's ok sweetie I don't mind" I said smiling

"Me either but I'm going to bed" Shannon said getting up.

(Rose's POV)

I miss Alyssa. I miss how it was before when Sundee and Mark were here. I missed Katy and I thought I wouldn't care if I left but when I did I missed her more then I thought. but I'm scared to get close to her, my dream was right, that everyone I get close to dies. why do we live just to die, we are born to die.

"Did you want to sleep with me?" Katy asked. I feel safe with her but I shouldn't get close I don't want to kill her I shouldn't get close to Mark or Sundee either.

"No it's ok" I said putting a fake smile on

"Then I'll stay here for the rat of the night" Katy said pushing her way next to me.

"No Katy" I said as she pushed me to the other side.

"Just shut up and go to sleep" Katy said giggling. now there's nothing I can do to get her away.

"Please just to to your own bed" I tried one more time

"No. Sundee is coming home tomorrow" Katy said pulling me closer to her.

"What about Mark?" I asked trying to move over she's to close, I don't like cuddling.

"He's probably going to stay there for school" Katy said pulling me closer after I moved

"Why?" I asked

"Because he met a girl and he wants to stay" Katy said putting her arm on my hand

"Oh. can you stop doing that?" I asked grabbing Katy's arm and putting it in her.

"Sorry" she said I could tell she was a bit hurt but I need to keep my distance.

I woke up, Katy was still by me but she was awake. I got up and went to the bathroom. I grabbed my razor, I sliced and sliced over and over. I cleaned the blood up. I walked out and back to my bed.

"Morning" Katy said as I got in next to her.i didn't feel like answering. I just want to be alone can't she just get out it's not even her room. She pulled me closer to her and wrapped her arm around me.

"You ok?" she asked

"I guess" I mumbled.

"Ok tell me what's wrong" Katy said pulling me as close as possible to her.

"Nothing I'm fine don't we need to pick Sundee up?"i asked pulling away as I got up.

"Ya" Katy said as she got up.

"Do I have to go?" I asked

"Yes I don't want you by yourself we don't know how many creeps are out there" Katy said

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