Chapter 16

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( Katy's POV )

I opened my eyes and I saw Rose just starring at me .

"Good morning " I said as I sit up

"Morning , I was wondering if you wanted to go camping today ?" she asked

"Ya sure , go get dressed and packed " she ran out to her room

I got up and ready ,I walked down stairs to the kitchen Rose was still in her room . I got some coffee and then sat down at the table .

( Rose's POV )

I'm all ready , I grabbed the gun I had bought last week from these guys , I put it in my backpack , and walked out , Katy was sitting there drinking coffee. I got my phone out and texted Mark and Sundee .

Me: I'm going to do it today

Mark : wait can I come please ? don't do this

Sundee : can I come to , but don't do this it's a mistake

Me : you can come if you don't do nothing to mess this up

Mark : I'm on my way don't leave yet please

Me : fine I won't

Sundee : ya I'm coming with Mark , were leaving now

Me: ok hurry

I walked down to where Katy was . she's sitting there all happy , that's probably the last cup of coffee she will ever have .

"Can Mark and Sundee come ?" I ask

"Ya sure " she said taking a sip of her coffee

Wait maybe I shouldn't , she lets me do anything , if I do it then I'll have to go to the orphanage maybe or jail , I don't know , i guess she won't be that bad , but she hurt me she gave me up , no I shouldn't do this , I have to do this , stop chickening out Rose . No what's the matter with you you shouldn't do this you can't it's harsh , you can't . I thought as the door opened .

"Hi" I said to them quietly

"Hi " they both said

Sundee walked towards me and out her hand on my back .

"Are you ok ?" she whispered in my ear

"I don't know , yes I guess " I said

( Katy's POV )

They came in and said hi , then Sundee went and whispered something to Rose , I think something's wrong , I have a bad felling about this , I didn't before but now I do .

"Hey everything ok ?" I asked standing in front of them

"Ya " they both answer

"Ok let's go " I said walking out

I walked to the car all of them following me , I got in the front .

"Mark you sit in the front , I don't want to " Rose said

I know something is defiantly wrong but I know none of them will tell me .

"Something wrong " I ask

"No " Rose said as she opened the back door and got in .

Sundee got in and Mark sat next to me . why doesn't Rose want to sit next to me ? what did I do now ?

"If your going to do this you better look her in the eyes " I herd Sundee whisper to Rose

"No it wi be to hard " Rose whispered back

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