Old Flames

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*3 years later*

"Cloe sweetie we have some news to tell you" my dad Max says

"Which is..?"

"We need to move" my other dad Andy says

"And we know technically you don't have to come with us, since ur not officially ours" Andy continues

I think for a hard minute. Andy and Max have always treated me like their own and really cared about me. I will do anything to make them happy.

"I'm gonna come with you guys" I say

I've changed a lot over the past years. I started to do my hair, I lost wait and I discovered deodorant. I wore contacts and I got my braces of about a year ago.

I was put into the foster system after I "died"

I went to home after home until Andy and max took me in and I am so grateful.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"A small town in Ohio called seahigh rocks. It's amazing and really nice" he continues

I just stare at the wall. No. I can't go back there. But a part of me is curious to see how everyone is doing. No one will recognize me. Will I be able to handle it though. I mean it's the place where I died. I want to go back. I want to see my mom again. I miss her even though I doubt she cried at my funeral. If she even hosted one.

The next few days I was done packing and I said goodbye to all of my friends. I broke up with my boyfriend because I found out how he only wanted me to have sex. Plus he's hella passive aggressive and I ain't about that life. It was time to move back

My arms were covered in goosebumps and the thoughts in my mind wouldn't stop running. What if someone does recognize me. What if I get bullied again. Every question possible ran through my mind

I know I'm gonna go to my old highschool since thats like the only one in the town. We drive and I stare at the town I felt loved in that I have to say goodbye too now.

We drive for about 2 hours and we arrive in the town. My town. It looks the exact same as it did when I left. All the memories rushed back. I could feel tears in my eyes but I blinked them away.

We pull up to this cute little house and it's really close to the highschool. Yippee

I get out of the car and look around. I look at my old school. It was 5 in the afternoon so I have to go back tomorrow. I wonder what's happening now. It's probably so much better since I'm gone.

I guess I'll just wait till tomorrow to see. My first day of school. I wonder if Ethan and Grayson still go here. I wonder what they look like now. Probably the same but taller and hotter.

I head inside the house and go to my bedroom. It was painted black and white and it was exactly what I want in a room. I started to hang my clothes up and start putting things on my dresser and fixing up my washroom.

I finished around 10 and I decided to just go to sleep since I had nothing else to do anyways.

Tomorrow was the first day of school

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