A new day

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The moon fell and the sun ascended. It's light abolishing the darkest of crevices in this world. My room one of them. It's funny how the endless cycle of dark and light goes by in all things. Even I am in the midst of this cycle.

This morning brings light to the world but grants no light to me. Ever since I was a boy I believed myself to be meant for more. I believed I had a purpose, yet lack the knowledge of what that might be. I have lost my way in this world. The things I once knew so well are foreign to me now. So I go to the one place any answer can be found.

The library. I go just about every day looking for answers I have yet to find. I can't help but feel dread over finding such answers. As anyone knows, answers to our questions are not always as welcomed as we hoped they would be in the first place.

As I step through the doors of the library of which I might as well inhabit, the sun pours out onto the main desk. It's like the rays of sun that bring life to the room are mocking me.I walk ever so cautiously to my favourite spot to sit. My best friend Luke will be here, and he can't help but cause me trouble. I open up my books of poetry and try to devour every word. As I work through the pages I get hit in the back of my head by a book.

My friend Luke stands over my table. His buff build casts a large shadow. "Paul, why do you sit here and read books when you could be meeting women?" Luke thinks himself a lady killer. I think him a fool. He is about 6ft, has wavy brown hair with blonde highlights, and green eyes that seemingly make you think of the leaves on a tree in the midst of spring.

"When has a women been worth meeting? They get you to feel for them, then leave you with sorrows." What I said seems much truer to my experiences than his.

"Well be nice cause I may have someone who can get you to live a little!" He has no clue how annoying this gets. Luke has tried to get me to date just about anyone he finds. I at first was accepting of the possibility, but quickly lost hope. Girls my age don't care about anything but themselves. The second you trust them they hurt you in ways unbearable.

He brings these completely fast girls and expects me to indulge them. Like I want a quick fling like he does. "Let me guess another skank?"

"Owch! That can break a girls heart." I turn behind myself to see a young woman walking toward me. She is relatively short. Has bleach blonde hair and blue eyes with green flecks close to her pupils. She seems like she doesn't belong in Luke's company

"I can't believe you didn't warn me Luke." "Oh don't blame Luke when it was your words that demand an apology." Her voice filled with faint sense of pride.

"Sorry is not quite a word I feel like using. At least untill I'm proven wrong." I say with scepticism. "Well I'm sorry for for meeting you." She says with a giggle. Luke looks at me with a hopeful glare. Why can't he just accept I'm good being single.

"Okay, care to tell me what Luke thinks is gonna happen here?" I say with curiosity. "Well what he thinks doesn't matter. I just thought I'd like to meet this Paul he always talks about. My mistake." She smiles at me like she meant nothing she has said.

I reach to shake her hand. "I am what I am. Either way you've struck my interest enough to continue talking." Luke has the big grin on his face as if he's accomplished something. "That a boy!" He is the most annoying best friend to have, but his intentions are good. I just hope he will stop trying to get me a girlfriend.

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