Blind sided

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Her name is Mary, and she blind sided me. We spent that day engulfed in debate. I haven't had such a intelligent conversation in a good long while.

Marry is smart and seemingly calculated. Everything she says has purpose, and keeps me on my toes. I can't be sure but I might like this girl. I mean i can't deny she is cute.

About a week after that day in the library she found my Facebook page. She added me, and I decided to text her.
I asked if she would want to grab a bite to eat and talk some more. She agreed on the condition that I wouldn't act like a jerk.

The day we met up she continued with her trend of blind siding me. Of course I played it cool, but her out fit made it hard to do so. She dressed in a form fitting black tank top with a white dress shirt buttoned half way up. She had skinny jeans and black flip flops.

She looked respectable, but drew eyes directly towards her. I honestly just wore my plain white t-shirt, jeans, and an old beaten pair of sneakers. I felt kinda stupid for not wearing something a little more... well anything.

We started off our talk with basic chit chat. We then started discussing politics. We strayed away from the politicians and discussed our personal beliefs on what should and shouldn't be worked on in our present day government.

I consider myself a liberal republican, and she is a democrat. We somehow agreed with most ideas and when we met an impass we agreed to disagree. She seemed as passionate about her beliefs as I am. Not to mention she actually knows what she talks about.

We decided to go over to the nearest park and walk around. I couldn't help but be excited that things were going well. I mean I wasn't jumping into anything and neither was she. Still I was excited. She doesn't fit in this place. It's like she is a complete stranger to this town, but Luke says she grew up here.

"I've never been so happy to say sorry for anything I've said or done before." I was referencing my rude guess at what she was like. "So then I guess all you have to say sorry then!" She made me cringe at myself. "Sorry for my false assumption." She looked at me like she wanted to laugh. How can she make me feel like I'm normal. I don't think I have a normal bone in my body.

When we got finished at the park we got into our own cars and went our separate ways. We texted all of that night however. She made me rethink a lot of things. I remember the feeling of annoyance when I grew tired that night.

It was about the fact that I wanted to stay up longer to text her more. I had a family brunch the next day so I sucked it up and told her goodnight. She texted back with a weird cat sleeping emoji. My last thoughts before I fell asleep were of how glad I am we met.

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