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A week went by as Mary and I kept in close contact. If we weren't right next to each other we were texting or video calling. This particular day was one we didn't talk. See when me and Luke first met we had a classmate die of organ failure. Ever since we made it a priority to turn our phones off and hangout on the day our classmate, Adam passed. I warnned Mary i wouldn't be in touch for this reason and she was genuinely supportive. Perhapps I just nomally suck at picking women, but most girls, or at least the ones I've dated would get annoyed that they would loose the attention for a day.

Neither of us were close to him, but when Adam died everyone in our class felt his loss. I remember our schools track and field day that year. The school had a stone statue of him made, and they had a memorial for him before we started the day. Luke and I made a promise that day to always hangout on the day of his death. It might sound weird, but for us his death made us realize that we have to live life to the fullest and make sure the people in our lives know how much they mean to us.

When we first started this yearly event we had sleepovers and when we woke on the day we'd just go to the bike trail and run around doing the stupidest things, as kids do. Now that we are much older we leave flowers on his family's porch and go visit his grave and talk to him. We catch him up on our lives since we last visited, and if we are being honest we drank a little too much as we did.

This year we both set aside some money and we got a personalized box of cheeses, wine and chocolates to go with the flowers. As we dropped off our little care package for Adams kin we felt a sense of hopefulness that they would find some comfort in the knowledge that he is not forgotten. We never take responsibility for it. The way we see it is we can't be sure it's taken well, and it's not something we do for credit.

When we arrived at his grave I was a little excited to tell Adam about Mary. When Luke was talking to Adam he kept bragging about everything he did this year for my benefit. I couldn't help but laugh every time Luke would talk about his conquests of the year. I ended up taking a drink each time it happened. It turned out to be an effective drinking game.

Luke got too loud and we ended up having to run from one of the caretakers of the graveyard. We ended up at my place and sat on the porch and smoked a blunt. I remember the stupid shit that just poured out both our mouths. This day (no matter how stupid our routine appears) is always profound to me.

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