The talk

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It would take less than a day after Luke came by for me to confront Mary. I just had to know if that kiss was real. Know if she wanted to pursue me as I have begun to pursue her. I needed these answers to come to light. I can't play it cool anymore.

I drove out to meet her at her place. I'd never been before, but I was  determined to see her. It was a large white house with red doors and shutters. Rose bushes lined the stretch of walk way leading to the main porch.

Before I even took the first  of three steps up to the porch she came out. Her face was full of blush, and the cutest smile on her lips. "Hey Paul, I am so happy you asked to see me!" Her voice almost sceptical. "Well I couldn't just wait to see your beautiful face." Mary's smile widened by my response.

I cautiously hugged, not knowing if she would accept it. "So I just wanted to figure out what this is?" I spoke with hope that it was a welcomed question. "I was wondering the same." I hung on every word. "Well to be frank with you I was hoping you would tell me."

She grabbed my hand and guided me to her room. It was painted dark green and had a lot of different posters of bands she liked lining the walls. We sat on her bed and it was like I lost control of myself. I placed my hand against her cheek and kissed her. Our lips met and a feeling of electricity jolted me as she returned the kiss.

"I know I like you, that I feel happy because you're in my life, and I want to give us a chance." I whispered in her ear as if it were a secret. "I want that too. I want to be yours, and you to be mine." Mary said with hope and a vulnerable look in her eyes. "Are you sure? I don't want you to say it unless you mean it." She looked dazed for a moment, but then all at once she climbed into my lap with her legs locked around my body. She proceeded to kiss my cheek. I hugged her. Holding on to her with every ounce of care in my body.

I know it's been less than a month, but I just wasn't gonna hide. Why should I? I liked her, and that wasn't changing. I glided my hands to hers that were hanging on to my shirt. Our fingers intertwined now. It was like everything was new in my eyes. Like the world I knew was gone, and I was free from the darkness that once held me.

Her eyes locked with mine seemed to shimmer. Her lips trembling. "I'm so glad you're not a skank!" I laughed at my own comment. Her smile growing she responded. "And I'm glad your not a complete jerk!" Her cheeks turned bright pink as she tried to hide her face in my chest.

I was completely bewitched by everything about her. It would sound strange to some, but she made me feel like I belong again. Like i wasn't alone anymore. The pain that seemed to be attached to the ideal of love vanished with every moment I spent with her.

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