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Again...unedited... don't kill me :)

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Lydia’s POV


            I woke up in a complete state of bliss, the usually rainy London weather was gone, and in it’s place was a soft sunlight that fell over us like a blanket. Snuggled up in a tangle of Louis’ white comforter and him.

            It had been nearly four in the morning when we had finally walked into his apartment, stumbling over the leftover mess that neither boy had picked up before they’d left. Both of us so deliriously tired that it was all just fits of giggles and the slamming of a door as clothes were flung around and finally, the bed was found. It was instant sleep after that, the dreadful alarm set for four hours later.

            “I don’t want to get up,” Louis mumbled, rolling over to check the time before grunting in frustration and pushing his half awake face back into the pillow.

            “Ten minutes.” I smiled, unable to help myself against his horrendous amounts of charm. His morning voice was just too perfect, all gravelly and deep, just a sliver of shocking blue visible as he squinted to see the time.

            “I need to shower,” he mumbled again. His floppy brown hair spread across the pillow as Louis decided his pillow was no longer comfortable and rolled over to rest his dark head of hair on my chest.


            “I do too.” I yawned, giggling a bit when Louis lips turned upwards as his head rose with my chest.

            “We have to be out of here by ten, and that’s pushing it.” He mumbled, and I smiled in the fact that my beautiful boy was overly exhausted and it was the most aborable thing.

            He had so much hair I was finding out, running my fingers through it slowly while he relished in the last few minutes of silence before the busy day. I was trying to forget that we would be out in front of everyone, all dressed up in less than twelve hours. Pushing all of the crazy of just a few hours ago out of my mind, and focusing on why all of that was ok, because this man had his arm lying casually over my stomach, the tips of his fingers tracing my one tattoo over and over. He was all worth it, and that was all I would ever have to remind myself of.

            “Did you want to shower now babe? I’ll make tea?” He suggested, his voice slowly returning to it’s usual chirpy tone as he took a dejected sigh and turned his head to look up at me.

            “Yeah, I probably should get up.” I sighed, still playing with his mess of hair, Louis’ crinkly eyed grin making an appearance as I pouted.

            “This is the life love,” he teased, and without warning Louis Tomlinson had gone from lounging about me in a sleep induced state, to on top of me. His legs spread on either one of mine, and there was one thing I had failed to remember or realize in my foggy brain. One very important item that had me completely speechless as he took some very obvious looks down my body and sent a blue-eyed wink my way.

            “We need to get ready.” I meant for it to come out in a full string of a sentence, but the last word was a bit delayed as the comforter fell all of the way off him and there was just the black band of boxer briefs separating us from some very bad decisions.

            “We’ll get ready in five minutes.” He smiled wickedly before making sure I really couldn’t argue with him.

            “Five minutes my ass,” I rolled my eyes as the steamy water of his gigantic bathroom fogged over the mirror.

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