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Oh my god look at his eyes.... blahhh

Lydia’s POV


            “Here’s to one more week together!” Madi raised her glass full of the awful amber liquid, bringing it to her lips with a sour face as she simply squeezed her eyes shut and drank the entire thing in several gulps.

            “Here’s to Lydia finishing that drink like she finishes her men.” Camden winked at me, all four of us slightly tipsy as we’d already gone out for a few drinks with the rest of the grad students. Camden however, had settled on inviting himself back to my room, which meant Madi had to come. So instead of me passing out on my bed like I wanted to, I now had a party of three to entertain with the alcohol Camden had literally pulled out of thin air.

            “Don’t talk to me like that.” I scolded Camden, already well accustomed to his derogatory slurs in my direction. Many of which just made me roll my eyes, where others made me snap at him.

            “He’s determined.” Madi snorted, filling up another glass as I questioned if her tiny body could actually handle that much water, let alone alcohol.

            “I’ve gotten nowhere in the past two months.” Cam snorted into his drink, already on number two as I tipped my head back and drank the entire thing. Not complaining or making a face, despite the awful taste it held.

            “Is that Jack?” My voice sounded funny to me, a bit slurred and slightly higher than usual.

            “The one and only baby.”

            “Seriously, don’t call me that. I’m not kidding.” I snapped, already feeling the alcohol burning in my stomach and lighting my bloodstream on fire.

            “I don’t know why you’re such a damn prude.” He was rolling his eyes at me now, the light honey color in them would have been attractive to me at one point, but it just wasn’t anymore.

            “What the hell? I’m not a prude. Get the fuck out.” I snarled, standing up on wobbly feet and wishing I hadn’t worn a skirt.

            Going out tonight had meant we’d all dressed up, and right now the tight black skirt was showing a bit too much to the obnoxious man who wasn’t even trying to hide his wandering eyes.

            “You’re such a prude, or you would have at given me a chance.” He slurred the coax, and he was starting to seem a little dangerous. There was just something off about the way he was acting now. Previously I knew he’d been at least sort of joking, but the hint of laughter had disappeared, filled with lust now as Madi shouted something I couldn’t make out at him.

            “Every time I sleep with a guy or do anything with one they think I owe them something. They think that it was their gift to me, that I am the one who should be ashamed and you are no different.” The words sounded foreign to my own brain, things that I’d been hiding unknowingly, at the same time as I’d known it for weeks now.

            I finally understood myself, I understood the anxiety and the fear I held towards people, because you never knew when they would hurt you. I understood exactly why I’d never felt completely happy, and I had come to terms with the fact that although I was exposed to the world, I had been sheltered from life.

            “What the hell are you talking about? You should be flattered I took interest in you, there are other options here!” He raised his voice at me, and I was actually in fear of him in that moment. His tall body overshadowing my own as he stood up, more than a foot larger than me.

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