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            Lydia’s POV


            “I missed you so much Nora.” I cooed like an idiot to the giant animal before me, my hands around her face and squishing the black and white fur. “And I’ll miss you again, but I’ll be back. You remember Louis?” I couldn’t help but smile at the feeling of his name on my lips, it had become so natural to speak of him.

            Everything he did I sort of felt connected to now, and not just because he’d spoken to me nonstop every day, staying awake even in my own time zone just because he wanted to say goodnight, but because I knew that in my heart, seeing him again would mark a huge step in defining us.

            Nora licked her nose at the mention of Louis’ name, her burning blue eyes mirroring his own as she met mine once more.

            “Yeah, I know you remember Louis. You used to cuddle him more than I did.” I giggled, leaning in and placing a kiss on her forehead. “You’re trying to steal my guy.”

            I shook my head after saying that, frowning a bit when I realized for the hundredth time that he really wasn’t ‘my guy.’ I wanted him to be my guy, but he hadn’t mentioned anything of the sort. In fact, our conversations had mostly just been about our day. I’d heard a few of the boys once or twice, but it really wasn’t much, and now that my plane was leaving in less than five hours, I was nervous.

            “Do you think he’s possibly found a girl?” It came out entirely too quiet, Nora’s big eyes turning to find mine again as she closed the distance and nuzzled her big head into my neck.

            “He might have though, he’s not an ugly duckling.” I smiled and turned to rest my head on Nora’s stomach. Laying back to face the cold winter sun and remembering that I should have probably brought a heavier jacket.

            “Lydia, sweetheart. I know you probably don’t want to go, but Nora needs to go in for testing and you really should start off for SeaTac.” Cindy appeared at the edge of the fencing, smiling nostalgically at Nora and I in the position we’d both occupied for over fourteen years.

            “I know, I just don’t want to leave her.” I sighed, moving to stand up right as Nora licked her big tongue across my face.

            “What am I? Chopped liver?” Cindy joked, watching me give the cat a huge hug before promising to see her soon.

            “You’re close enough,” I teased Cindy, allowing her to pull me into a hug that summed up exactly how much I loved her.

            “Now Lydia, before you go, you tell that boy I’m watching him.” She held me at arms length now, her warm honey colored eyes showing me that she held more of a soft spot for Louis than she was willing to admit.

            “He knows you’re watching him. He’ll behave,” I grinned, shaking my head when she rolled her eyes at me.

            “You let him know that it’s not him I’m worried about. No acting up from you, ok? I don’t want to see you snorting coca-“

            “Oh my god, you’re crazy!” I cracked up, Cindy’s caramel hair blowing behind her and making her look much younger than a woman well into her thirties with several kids.

            “I’m in charge of you, so yes I’ve gone a bit nuts over the years. Now get going, that boy won’t be happy if you don’t show up for another few days.” Cindy pulled me in for one last hug before, pushing me out of the exhibit and onto the concrete.

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