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  Lydia’s POV


            Instead of going to the same high-security room where we sorted slides, we had both taken a left turn straight to a separate building, avoiding causing a ruckus for the security guards to watch on the monitoring cameras. Neither of us knew what the building we were going towards held, but both deciding simultaneously that we’d rather argue in our own sort of silence. The building was definitely part of the college, but it also wasn’t one I’d ever stumbled upon in my year of being at the Marcotta School of ecology.

            It was magnificently small, containing one single hallway that had countless doors. Only one of them unlocked however, as it lead us to a claustrophobic room that somehow had enough space to hold a grand piano and an assortment of different instruments. Many of which my mother and father had attempted to get me to pick up, but none of them sticking enough in my memory to even occupy enough space to hold a name.

Louis seemed perfectly at ease in this unfamiliar room though. Standing with his legs spread slightly apart, the edges of his tattoos showing on his wrist as his hands remained tucked in his pockets. Endless hues of blue were now focused on only me, and I wasn’t entirely certain how I felt about that.

            The logical side of me wanted to scream four syllable words at him until he gave me the same empty look. A look that I continually got from nearly everyone I’d ever surrounded myself with. My brain was calmly telling me that he was nothing but a man with too much money too handle, and a vast amount of problems that resulted from the former.

            However, the part of me that I rarely listened to was making a better argument. My heart was frantically hissing everything that I’d ever picked up from watching him, mumbling in tune to its beating about all the potential I had with someone like Louis.     

            I don’t know if he was waiting for me to take the initiative and speak, because I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to yell at him about first. His lips kept parting and then sealing shut, as though there was something struggling to roll off of the tip of his tongue, and it just wouldn’t. I could almost imagine how his hands were clenching in his pockets, begging to make an appearance and mess with his hair in that way that showed just how frustrated he was.

            “Do you even know how many people were at that party? How many people could have taken photos or videos and ruined Esmé’s career?” I sucked in a deep breath. Deciding I would be the first one to point fingers, settling on the most prominent issue.

            “I know, it was really immature and pretty self-involved of me to even try that with her. Especially because I know who I am, and how fast information spreads.” You could tell Louis was trying to speak at my level. Not a single swear word leaving his lips as he struggled to make sense of his own speech.

            “Can you not pretend that you even think you’re at fault, and just tell me what you need to say?” I was getting more and more agitated, I wanted to start a fight with him. I needed to know where we stood and how exactly this would affect our friendship, especially since I was already feeling more than that.

            “I don’t wa-“

            “Louis just fucking say it!” I shouted at him, raising my hands in the air. I nearly smiled in triumph when the flash of anger flared up in his eyes.

               My spitfire boy was back.

            “Why the hell does everyone think it’s ok to fucking cut me off today! Did you ever think I was maybe going to explain myself before you and your smart ass assumed the worst? Fucking Jesus Christ Lydia! You of all people don’t let me finish?” He was shouting now, his eyes blazing and his hands clenching into fists at his side.

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