Chapter 56

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Perfect by Selena Gomez

Lauren's pov:

I wake up and hug tight on Y/n's small figure, taking notice in the small amount of  flesh that is accumulating on her figure. We're making progress.

I squeeze her in my grasp until there is no space in between us. I take a deep breathe and smell her hair, it smells like a soft flower. A small smile forms on my lips.

I hear her mumble something in her sleep. I can't make it out. It gets louder and louder until I realize that she is lightly whispering lyrics.

"She's crashing on your skin,
Settling in.."

It's a cold whisper.. very delicate.

"Burning so deep, deep on your skin, skin while you sleep, uh.."

There was a pause, a tiny whimper heard. I squeezed her small frame tighter and closer to me.

"I can taste her lipstick... and see her laying across your chest..

I can feel the distance every time you remember her fingertips.."

She coughs lightly, I hear her take in a breathe.

"Maybe I should be more like her."

My blood freezes at this statement. I rise up on my side, leaning on my elbow to look at her. The humming still continued lightly. Her lips stayed still, posed slightly open.

I watched to see no tears, though her cheeks shined in narrow rivers. Her face calm and soft, her nose twitching every once and a while like a bunny.

The humming stopped and she started to cough. She sat up continuing to cough, slightly hitting her head on the top of the bunk. A small squeak escapes her lips followed by a groan of pain.

Her figure flopped beside me and curled into my side. Her glossy eyes finding their way to mine.

"Are you okay bug?"

She shyly nods her head, biting her lip. I rub her head lightly and hug her close to me.

"What was that song that you were humming?" I look down at her and can't help but giggle at her confused look.

"Hehe you were quietly singing in your sleep nugget. Do you know what song?" She bites her lip as she thinks.

"How d did it go?" I pause to think of the tune.

"It went something like... she's crashing on your skin, settling in, burning so deep, deep on your skin, skin while you sleep, uh.."

I look at her as she thought.

"I was singing that in my sleep?" I nod.

"It sounds like Perfect by Selena Gomez.. but I could be wrong."

I grab my phone and go onto Spotify and play the song. I recognize the tune immediately, then the lyrics play and I hear the ones that Y/n and I had sung.

Y/n hums along with the song as it finishes. I hug her close to me and giggle at her little squeak.

"Can we goes to the park?" I look at Y/n as the curtain swooshes to the side.

"Yes! Yes we can!!!" I laugh at Dinah's eagerness to answer Y/n's question.

"But we need to have breakfast first."


"Hey haha no frownie faces." Dinah starts tickling Y/n. I make sure she doesn't hit her head and join in on the tickling.

Y/n's laughter fills the air. Normani joins in and soon Y/n was in a fit trying to squirm her way out of the bunk.

"Alright alright lets get ready and grab some breakfast so we can go." Normani says while she cradled Y/n's head in her hands. I watched Y/n bite her lip and nod her head slowly sliding out of the bunk towards Normani and Dinah. She squeaks as they lift her out of the bunk.

We got Y/n into one of Normani's sweatshirts and a pair of loose yoga pants. It took a little convincing, but she finally let us help her slide on the pants.

We got her to eat a pancake and a half along with a little bit of yogurt before she started protesting. I packed a bag with Ally that has some binkies, a blanket, and some crayons and a coloring book. Along with some snacks.

I saw Y/n sneak a small little sketchbook in the sweatshirt pouch with a couple of pencils.

We made our way to the park, Ryan had parked the bus in a nearby parking lot. I grabbed Y/n's hand while Normani took the other.

We are currently sitting on the blanket and snacking on some crackers. I'm playing Fetish by Selena Gomez at Y/n's request and we're all sitting and talking. Y/n is drawing in her small blue sketchbook.

I cock my head to see what she is drawing, but can't get a good angle. I decide to wait to let her finish before I interrupt.

"Can I have a juice box?" I smile at her cuteness and watch a small twinkle in her brown eyes glow.

Ally nods and hands her an apple juice box. Dinah takes it before Y/n can grab it and opens the straw. Y/n pouts at the help.

"Stop looking so cute nugget. It's not helping you." I give her a teasing look and Normani leans over and kisses Y/n's cheeks, her cheeks glowing a red.

"What are you drawing honey?" I smile at my hands as Ally vocalizes my thoughts. I look up to Y/n and see her biting her lip.

She turns her small sketchbook around and I see two simple hand sketches. They appeared to be juxtaposing each other. The top sketch is of the bottom of a hand and a wrist with slits. In the slits are galaxies filled with shiny stars and huge planets. The galaxy is spilling from the slits and forms into the bottom drawing. The black of the galaxies spills over an invisible form that is soon seen as another wrist leading down to a hand. This black hand is intertwined with another hand created of rainbows and twinges of light.

"Th.. there is not a way for me to explain the lonely ness I feel.. o or pain I feel..

... I..." I look up to see Y/n looking at her hands, her body shaking. Immediately Normani and Dinah hug her and I and Ally take her hands.

"I just want it to all go away.. I want it to all stop..." She closes her eyes, her face contorting in an unexplained pain. Her hands squeezing until the whites of her knuckles protrude.

She was fine. She was fine. Now she's not, but she was fine.

Who am I kidding.. she wasn't fine, she was quiet and in her head. She seemed okay to us but she was breaking on the inside, all that was needed was a slight push to reshatter herself. She is still listening to the engraved thoughts that are sinking her under the surface.

I watch as she tries to release her pain. The pain expressed in each crease forming on her forehead and cheeks.

She's suffering because of herself. How do you save someone from themselves?

I pull her and the rest of the girls into a big hug, squeezing them until I couldn't breathe and all of my energy and worry and concern are pushed out of me and out of all of us.

We stayed there. I felt peace and I hope Y/n felt it too, so we stayed. I am determined to help Y/n through this. To show her how beautiful and amazing she is. We will help her.

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