Chapter 71

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Finally by James Arthur

Allys pov:

Y/n slightly nods, looking at Normani. I turn to Normani with my eyebrows pinched, trying to catch up.

"What song?" Normani shrugged her shoulders. "no clue. Simon was going through the studio with the police to collect evidence and take pictures of the scene and he checked the recordings and found a new song or cover recorded in Y/n's voice." Normani shifts from the arm of the seat down to the cushion, landing on Dinah's lap. Dinah immediately wraps her arms around Normani.

"He said if were up to it we can come into the studio and give it a listen." We all shift our eyes to Y/n, who has a bit of her tongue sticking out of he mouth as she looks back at us innocently. "I... think she zoned out." A small giggle comes from her direction as Lauren starts to attack the small brunette.

"Buuuuuuuuug," Lauren straddles Y/n as she falls to the floor in bits of laughter, "pay attention! Are you up to going to the studio to see Si?" "I saw a head nod!! That's a yes!!" Normani jumps up in excitement as the younger girl continues her fits of laughter.

"Okay. Okay. I'll figure out a time with Simon. Y/nn needs to shower and y'all need to get ready to go!" I slide past Normani with my phone in hand and start to dial Simon.

"Alright bug, time to shower." I hear Y/n's small groan and try to hide my laugh as the ringing stops and Simon picks up. "Hey Si, what time works best for you for us to make our way to the studio?" I duck into the kitchen as I hear Y/n's laughter fill the van.

Dinah's pov:

"Alright Y/nn, let's shower quickly." I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist, her head resting on my shoulder.

"Will you two pick out an outfit for her?" I look at Lauren and Normani as they nod. I walk through the bunk area and into the bathroom and sit on the toilet as she gets down to stand. Closing my eyes, like always, I hear the shuffling of her getting undressed.

"I will help you comb out your hair when you're done, okay Y/nn?" A light hum fills the bathroom. I hear the shower start and the curtain move then feel the usual tap on my shoulder and open my eyes.

On the floor before me is a neat pile of her clothes. Lauren pointed out to me after she first did shower duty that she noticed Y/n has this half neatness thing about her. Like all of her clothes are on the ground completely ruffled from being used, but they're stacked in a way that's easy to pick them up and sort them.

I pick up the clothes, making sure the socks stay on top and lean out of the bathroom to hand them out to a waiting Normani. I watch her take the pile over to the laundry machine before closing the door once more and listening to the Y/n softly sing to herself.

Her deep raspy voice fills the bathroom. I sit on the toilet slightly lulled by the calming of her voice. Peaceful, her being peaceful is peaceful.

I come back to reality at the knock on the door. I make my way over and open it up, immediately receiving a small folded pile of clothes for the younger girl. I nod at Lauren and close the door, placing the clothes on the counter.

I pause as the water is stopped and a small arm reaches out to grab the towel. The curtain is pulled to the side, a small smile flashes brightly at me.

"You good?" I grab her clothes and place them closer to her, the humming still in the air. "Well then, let's get you dressed, I'll comb your hair and we can go see Simon."

Ally's pov:

"Alright.. great.. we will be in shortly." I hang up the phone and look at Ryan. His eyes are darting back and forth as he makes his way through a rotary. "Hey Ry, can you start to head over to the studio?" I slide forward off the seat until my toes touch the ground and I finally jump to the ground, "Ya I gotcha. Will start making my way." I hear the turn signal start clicking as I turn to make my way to the other girls.

"Hey Y/nn!!" The younger girl turns around and gives me a hug. I shift to see the other girls, "we are on our way to the studio," I pick up the slimmer girl, readjusting since she is a smidge taller, "Is everyone ready for when we arrive?" Nods from all the girls. I look at Y/n who is currently squirming and trying to reach something in one of the bunks. I move closer to the bunk and she pulls out her little sketchbook, Y/n releases a small hum. "I'll take that smile as a yes to being ready." I start to make my way to the kitchen laughing at Y/n trying to reach random things as we pass.

I plop down on a seat and listen to Y/n's humming. Her humming starts to grow louder and louder. I watch her head sway back and forth as the tune goes. The other girls file into the kitchen and sit down as well.

"Nugget, can you sing that song out loud for us?" The humming stops and she bites her lip and hesitantly nods at Lauren. I feel her body shift as she takes a deep breath.

"This is all I ever wanted
All I ever thought I'd be"

Her eyes closed as her voice starts to ring out.

"It's the only place I truly feel
As though I can be me"

"But the way I arrived
It was overnight
I've been on my worst behavior
Been on my worst behavior"

I close my eyes to listen to her deep voice, the sadness spilling as she continues.

"If only it ain't been like this
Now I can hold my heart in a fist
And all the voices leave
I can finally put it on my sleeve
Oh, if only they'd really seen it
Maybe they would finally believe me
When I say I've won
And my father gets to see a son
That he can feel proud of
He can feel proud of
He's proud of me"

"Hey, guys we're here!"

I open my eyes. Y/n continues to hum, a calm smile playing on her lips. Looking out the window I see the main doors to the studio. I start getting up, Y/n still humming as we move.

"Can I have her, pleeeeeeaaase..." I roll my eyes and give the humming child to Dinah. I turn to look at Y/n and boop her nose, "I like that song," she mouths me too still continuing her humming, "who sings it?"

We start to walk out of the bus, waving to Ryan on the way out. Y/n pauses her tune to answer quietly, "James Arthur. The song is called Finally." I watch her poke Dinah's arm as I open the door into the building, holding it open for all them to get inside.

"I love how we can feel the emotion when you sing Y/nn, it makes me sad and happy and wistful." I nod in agreement to Lauren while she pushes the button to the elevator.

We all step into the elevator. Dinah puts Y/n down to prepare to see Simon as we reach our floor. I watch Y/n twiddle her thumbs in the reflection of the elevator doors, her humming has quietly stopped. I look between the girls' reflections as well and feel a bit of apprehension in the air.

It takes me a moment, but as soon as the elevator doors open I realize that we had not been back here since the man attacked Y/n. I put my hand on Y/n's shoulder in assurance as we make our way out of the elevator and see Simon making his way to us. His smile big and bright.

"Hello girls!"

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