Brilliant Idea

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House : Slytherin

A/N : you were Harry's twin sister. You had a major crush on Draco Malfoy since your first year.(sorry if it stinks. it's my first time ever. more note, REQUEST IS OPEN!!!)

Warning : none. Enjoy!

Your PoV :

Today was just as usual, boring and annoying. I walked up to the library and sit all alone. Everybody was obviously in their class. Well, I'm not them. I got my free period today. I grabbed a book from a dark oak table. And read with silence. Everything was perfect until I was caught up "what are you reading?" I pull my head up just to see my brother, Harry. I rolled my eye, "obviously book. Could you leave me alone, bro?" I asked "why would I do that?" he asked me back "because, I like silence! Besides, shouldn't you be in your class now?" I reply "well, I have my free period till lunch" he said. Then I walked away towards the door "hey, Y/N! where are you going?" he yelled, making conversation again. "outside" I said flatly without looking back. I started to walk through the halls. I stopped at the astronomy tower, my favorite place to stay. Even if it's still 10, I can see beautiful view from here. I started to daydream and rested my chin to my hand. Minutes has past and it's great to be alone. I checked my muggle watch, it's almost lunch time. Man, I've been here so long. I stood up and reach the Great Hall in time.

I walked inside, before I got stopped by Draco Malfoy, that Draco Malfoy. "you're Potter's sister, right?" he grins at me. I rolled my eyes, and walk away. "hey, wait!" he grabbed my wrist, ignoring the fact that I blushed. "umm... can I talk to you, alone?" he asked. Without waiting for my answer, he dragged me to an empty corridor and started to rub the back of his neck. "have you decided to go with somebody?" he asked "for what? Yule Ball?" I was con-fused. He nodded, while I shook my head. "Not yet, nobody wanted me to go with me" I said with a meek smile. "well, then go with me" he said with a slight smirk. I was shocked, Draco Malfoy, that Slytherin Prince, wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me? The Soft Slytherin? "so, I take your silence as a yes" then he walked away. I stood myself up to realize that this was real and walked towards the Great Hall.

Draco's PoV :

Yeah, I know I'm good at acting. She just believed it that easy. Potters, how pathetic they are. I rolled my eye, and sit with the other Slytherins, beside Blaise. " so, how was your progress going?" he asked. I only singed my hand to say 'it's perfect'. This all begins yesterday


"Draco, truth or dare?"

"dare" I said lightly. "well said, Draco. You know that soft Potter girl? She had a crush on you. Ask her to the Yule Ball" Theo said with a smirk.

"easy. Just see" I rolled my eye. Then I leave the crowd and I can see that Pansy was mad to Theo.


"I have more dare if you want" Blaise said "after Yule Ball, ask her to be your girl– whoa Pansy, calm down" he cuts his word to see Pansy trying to throw her fork. "yeah, sure. I'll do it" I said flatly. "Dracy! how... why did you do it?" Pansy asked furiously

"isn't it obvious, it's a dare for him. He's the Slytherin Prince. What's a 'no' for him?" Theo said before i can open my mouth. Pansy looked at me, and i nodded as a yes.

Blaise's PoV :

I'm sure Y/N will recognize it really fast. 'Cause it's obvious, Draco never had talked to her. Even maybe she thinks that Draco never knew she existed. After lunch i tried to drag him away from the others

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