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A/N: a new chapter? Oh sure. Happy to meet you again, my lovely readers! enjoy this part tbh ^_^ Love y'all! P.S : you're in ur 3rd year.

Narrator :

It's always hard for being a muggleborn slytherin. Y/N was always get bullied, haterd, by all the slytherins. Fortunately her best friend was always by her side, it was Leilah, her imaginary friend. She never knew that Leilah was imaginary. But her family do.  Nobody ever dare to tell her that Leilah was imaginary. Y/N loved her too much.

Now, Y/N was talking to Leilah at Y/H common room, where they were alone. Well, SHE was alone.

Somehow a person wanted to show her that Leilah wasn't real. The person wanted that she will spend more time with him. And that person is none other than Draco Malfoy himself.

He had fallen for her since their first year. He was always confused why a person as beautiful as her will only talked to an imaginary person. And today, he's going to show her.

Y/N's PoV :

"so, tell me who's your crush" Leilah said while twirling her hair.

"oh, not gonna tell you" i giggled and slightly blushing. She laughed at my reaction. We talked some more unimportant things and them somebody came into the common room.

"Malfoy? What are you doing here? You're not supposed to came here! How..." I trailed off when I realize that Leilah was gone. "W-where did she go?"

"She's imaginary, okay? She is just a friend that your mind make up because you don't have any friend" he said in a slightly angry tone

"T-then, who will i talk to now?" then he smiled to me. "That's why i'm here, Y/N. Let me accompany you. Forever. Let me give you my time, heart, and all just for you. Can we be friends?" he extended his hand. I shake his hand and smile, "Sure. It'll be great"

~time skips by any ships that u ship~

It's been months that i realize that Leilah was imaginary, and now i had much more friends that i ever expect. Like, almost the whole school knows me. AND Draco is being kind of overprotective towards me. Why? Can somebody tell me? No.

Professor Lupin coughed softly, "Miss L/N? Are you listening to me?" he asked as i blushed light pink. "S-sorry, Professor. I'm a bit carried away by the breeze" I stammered. I can hear Parkinson giggled softly beside me.

Professor Lupin turned to her "is there something funny, Miss Parkinson?" she stops an shook her head while pointing at me, "she said something to me, Professor" He frowned, "She didn't say anything"

After DADA, I head to the Great Hall and sat beside Demelza Scamander, which is my roommate, and my best friend.

"hello there, future Mrs. Malfoy" she greeted me with a grin. I blushed slightly "What did you mean? He didn't even like me"

"Puh-lease, it's really obvious" she rolled her eye. I raised an eyebrow as she continue, " he's being overprotective, being kind in front of you, and more. So? How can you deny?" I froze and continued to focus on my food.

About 7 minutes later, Draco asked me to meet him at the room-full-of-trophy room. When I got there, he really looked nervous. Weird, actually.

Draco's PoV :

I planned to tell her how i feel today, because i know a person that plans to tell her this afternoon, Potter. My eyes locked with her beautiful E/C eyes. I awkwardly smiled to her,

"uh, hi there, Y/N" she smiled warmly. Too warm, it melts my heart. "why did you call me here?" she asked while giving me a puzzled look.

I rubbed the back of my neck and started blurting out "since the first time i saw you, i know you were different. But then, I know that you always talk to your imaginary friend, and i was the one who wanted to proof that Leilah -is that how you call her?- wasn't real. And now, i gotta tell you, that i'm in love with you" I saw her cheek is flushed as red as a tomato can be.

"actually, i've always had a crush on you, Draco. But I never had a chance to tell you. I was Anti-Social back then" she replied without looking at me.

I smiled widely at her reply. Without hesitating any moment, i pressed my lips onto hers.

Your PoV :

He kissed me. I can't resist it, so i kissed back. It was warm and passionate. After we pulled away, i smiled to him. And he hugged me gently.

"don't ever Let me go, okay?" i said to him. He nodded and reply, "I won't"

"Promise me"

"Promise as always"

Till the war, we never separate our ways. I know he still wanted to be in the good side, but i guess he just can't.

All i can do was hope that we can be together again, Forever like our promise.

Total Words : 833 words


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