Brilliant Idea Pt.2

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"okay then, are you alright if you're alone here? cause i'm going back to the ball. Maria is waiting for me" she said and then she walked out of the common room. And then i was there again, alone. But not for long before someone called me out

"Y/N?" it was none other then Draco Malfoy himself.


"I said please, don't bother my already-ruined life!" I warned him with a shaking voice. But he walked closer to me.

"n-no. I-I wanted to say sorry. About what Pansy said. It's-"

"true. I know. I realized it, Draco" i put down my knees and sat down with tears still on my face. not to mention loads of it. i can hear him gulping when he saw my face. my gaze locked with him for a while before he looked away.

"and i do felt something weird from you. I know you've never liked me"

"you know what? before that dare was given, i already decided to take you to the ball" he said and my eyes widen as i wiped my tears.

"why? i thought you were going to ask Pansy" He scoffed "her? She's just pretending that we were dating while we're not"

I looked down to the fire as he sat down beside me. "you know what? nobody ever knew this, but i wanted to tell you a secret" i lay my head on his shoulder "what?" 

"I-I like you"

Draco's PoV :

i felt my cheek turned crimson red as i say that three words. And i saw hers got too.

"well, actually i've had a crush on you too. But i never told anybody, especially my brother, Harry" she said and it successly made my heart skip a beat. A million beat.

"in that case, will you gave me the half of your heat and be mine, then?" i said quickly as she stood up nodded shyly.

"s-sure, Draco. I'd love to" i grinned and pulled her into a hug that she seems to be enjoying. "I should've told you earlier right?" i whispered to her ears.

"mmm... yeah, you should" she said to my chest and i chuckled "i gotta change, can i go?" she asked innocently and i nodded as Pansy entered the common room furiously.

"you said you were taking drink!" she said in an angry tone. More like deadly tone.

I scoffed. "so? I can't go with my date?"

"she was only a dare, Drakie!"

i can hear a soft sob escape her throat. "listen, this is not just a dare. I wanted to go with her! i love her" Pansy was shocked. But she still said something "give me a prove. Now" she demanded.

"with pleasure" I pulled Y/N close enough and kissed her. Right on her lips. Both of the girls was shocked, but Y/N still kissed me back. I smiled through the kiss as i can hear Pansy growled in frustration and run away from us.

"I love you, okay? no matter what stands between us" i said to her when we pulled away.

"and i do too, Draco. Never let me go, promise?"


Your PoV :

We changed into our PJ's and cuddled together in the common room. not for long before everybody came in to the common room. Draco was asleep, and neither i was. Half-asleep actually.

I heard Blaise whispered something "he's doing great at the dares" i instantly woke up

"this one is not a dare. Just ask Pansy. Isn't it right?" Pansy groaned but still nodded.

"so, now please, don't bother me, okay?" As i said those words, Draco pulled me to his chest and mumbled something "Love you. Don't go okay?" I giggled and nodded.  a few seconds later i was asleep again, in his loving arms.

And it all turned great.

Aaand there you go! sorry for a slow update! i promise will update more often, for now, see ya later, my beautiful reader!


word count : 665 words

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