The Fear Had Come

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Dis one is a sibling love i guess? Idk enjoy, comment, vote, and request!

Year : 1st, Draco's is 2nd at first.

This is it. The thing i scared of has happened. She's dead, Y/N is dead.


"Y/N, come on or we're gonna be late!" I shouted at her and she rushed while brushing her hair. 

"Why can't you be quick for just one day?" I groaned at her as she pouted at me "you didn't woke me up!" I laughed and grab her wrist gently, leading her to the living room.

Mother and Father took us to Diagon Alley in a flash, with a help of floo powder. It was her first year. I am going to help her pick her stuffs, because i already picked mine. 

~le time skip~

"Next up.. is your gift. So what do you want?" I asked her, she looked really anthusiast. 

"can I have a cat/Owl(whichever you prefer), bro?" i can see her eyes sparkle with joy, so I nodded. I'm sure Mother and Father wouldn't mind a pet. So we headed to the pet shop and bought a (description of pet). She looked like she would die taking care of the cat/owl.

And i promise i will protect her, and my family whatever it takes.


"Malfoy, Y/N"

"hmm a witty one indeed. An ambition, and strong pride. shall be... SLYTHERIN!!" she wal-no runs towards me and gave me a big warm hug that made me smile proudly. "great job there"

"but all i do was sit.." she looked at me confused.

"no, you kept your mind to go to Slytherin. The hat actually can put you to Ravenclaw for your brain" i ruffled her hair making her whine a little.

"i worked hard making them nice, you know!"

I laughed, without knowing what will happen to her. What can possibly happen, right?


2 Years later...

"Y/N! guess what?"


"Krum will be visiting the school!"

"for the Triwizard?" She beamed excitedly


She kept saying she can't wait for the rest of the day. All i can do was smile to her every time she said so. Merlin, how i loved her so much.

~school time, well, triwizard task...~

The dark lord returns, i searched for Y/N everywhere, but she's no where to find. Where is she?

"D-draco..." i heard her said pretty loud. I followed her voice, which kept repeating. There she was, filled with tear, sitting in the hard ground.

"Y/N, where have y-" i gasped when I saw her back, blood is everywhere.

"what... what happened?" I felt my cheek warm with tears flowing down. "Death eaters.. Dark lord... Diggory.. dead.. P-Pot-" and those words, was the last word i can hear. 

"no... no no no no.. th-this can't be happening! Y/N!"

no, she's not.. gone yet.. NO!

there we go! sad, yeah. Sorry 4 being lazy ppl. Love y'all, thanks for 2k reads ^_^ so happy

Kira OUT!!

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