A Compete Between Us

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Kay guys, I might be adding some anime characters here, don't mind that... hehehe...

Draco Malfoy... and I always had something to compete in. And sometimes, it was just some nonsenses, like whoever saw the Giant Squid's tentacle first, wins. But this time, is more.... Interesting. 

"Hey, Malfoy. Ready to lose?"


"Here's the deal, whoever gets to be the best couple in Hogwarts in the earliest time, wins. How was that for ya?"

He smirked at the deal, and shook my hand "deal. But if I win, you'll need to admit that I'm the best. But if you win, you'll get to do what you want, Y/N L/N"

"sure, what's to be afraid of?" I gave him a big grin, to show that i'll  positively win. 

"oh, and also, it should be a real love, okay? Just to make sure you don't lie," I pointed at his hands, and a flash of pink string wrapped his hands, and mine. 

"there, that string will tighten and might torture you if you lied about it. See ya later, Malfoy!"  He raised an eyebrow at me before then turning around to walk towards his next class which I assume to be McGonagall's class. I turned to my Dorm, the Ravenclaws and sat down in the common room with my friends.

"so, how was it?" Mia opened the conversation before Ian even can even open his mouth. I shrugged, "pretty much had no idea what i should do next..." i said and Mia snapped her fingers, "how about dating Michael Corner?" I choked at my water, spitting it at Mia's face. "eww, Y/N!" 

"ehe.. sorry, Mia. But Michael Corner? nah, that is a no for me, dude" (I'm making ur character an American here, is that okay?) i wiped the water on my cheek and waved my hand at her wet face. 

"come on, that is the easiest way, or maybe.... just wait for a guy to ask you out and accept, isn't that easy?" Mia gave me a 'duh' look. "It's not that fucking easy, girl. it should be a shitty true love. Ugh why did I make that rule?" I muttered out loud, as usual and looked at my wrist, which is now kinda glowing pink and burns a little. 

"does that... hurts?" Ian pointed at my glowing wrist and i nodded weakly at him. "Tch, i'll need to actually focus on this now..."


And so i did actually focused on it. A few months actually passed, and none of us had a date yet. "ugh... i never knew these things actually had the power..." I again muttered the same thing for the 13th time of the day. "Hey, what are you muttering about? it's actually a little annoying" A voice beside me said. "oh, n-nothing... just..."

"what is that glowing on your wrist?" the white-red haired boy (shout out for the reference!) pointed, but weird, it didn't hurt now. "ehe... kinda hard to explain though..."


"oh, so that's why..." I nodded at his words. "well, did it hurt now?" He touched it gently, but where it usually hurts, didn't. 

"it... it didn't... How-" 

"i dunno. Who make it like that?"

"me.. wait, it always hurts when other people touched it, but it didn't when you did... it means.." I gasp at my own words and looked at the floor, "is that mean... i, I had a f- eh?" When i looked beside me, he's already gone. 

"maybe, i did have a feeling for Shouto..." i whispered to myself then walked towards the Great Hall. 

Draco's PoV:

I'm only watching from afar, but why am i... jealous?

Todoroki, that cold kid, that had a 'superpower' from his fucking family, that weird kid that never even talked to her, suddenly had her heart? 

Calm down, Draco. You're just afraid that she'll win this, right? Don't worry. Your charm is irresistible, should've been an easy job for you.

But the charm is torturing!

You won't feel it once you dated somebody

The charm only works when i'm dating the wrong person!

Then who is the right person?

I dunno, Y/N?

Todoroki's PoV:

'isn't it too harsh, Shouto? Leaving a girl in the middle of conversation?' I thought as I walked side-to-side with Yaoyorozu and Midoriya. 

"Todoroki-san, you didn't look very well..." Midoriya speaks up. 


"A-are you okay?"

"yeah, i'm fine"

Mweheheheheheheeee, which one would you choose? the nice, cold Todoroki? or the sarcastic, handsome Draco???

Up to you guys~ Have fun thinking about your decision!


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