VII: Senpai

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September 19

"Ah, Kaiyoka. Just the person I wanted to see," I heard a voice say from behind me.

"Am I?" I asked, turning around to face Kyouya. He fixed his glasses, even though they were fine, and regarded me with a casual stare.

"Yes. We need to speak about your writing," He stated, walking over to his usual table and motioning for me to follow. I took a seat directly across from him.

"The story you wrote was fantastic. I gave it to my sister to ask for her opinion- obviously, she'd know better than I- and she was truly intrigued and thoroughly enjoyed it."

"You said no one else would read it but you," I recalled, sitting back in my chair a little and crossing my arms.

"Indeed, I did say that, but did you really expect me to give a good enough opinion on a love story?" He asked. I conceded to his point, nodding.

"Anyway, I think that the trial is over. You've passed. However-" Kyouya was cut off by the quiet sound of my phone ringing. I apologized quickly, taking it out of my pocket and looking into it. My mother's caller ID popped up on the screen.

"I'm sorry, Kyouya-senpai," I apologized, standing up slowly. "My mother is calling." He nodded, and I walked away to another corner out of Kyouya's earshot.

"Hi, love." My mom's soft voice crackled through the phone.

"Hi Mom," I replied.

"Listen, hon, I don't have much time on my hands right now. I know you're at the host club, but I need you to come home. The boss called me in for an extra shift and the neighbors aren't home to watch Kasoiya." She told me, sounding rushed. "She's down for a nap and will be up in, I'd say, half an hour to forty-five minutes." I nodded vigorously, even though she couldn't see it.

"Of course, Mom. I'll come home right away." I said. I could hear her sigh with relief.

"Thank you so much, dear." We exchanged our goodbyes and I love yous, and then hung up the phone. I walked back over to Kyouya, putting my phone in my pocket.

"I'm sorry, Senpai, I have to go home. My little sister needs to be taken care of and my mother is leaving for work." I explained quickly, gathering my things.

"That's fine. I'll go with you. There is no other time we can have this discussion if you are to start working on the next one soon." I paused, looking over at him to see if he was serious. As per usual, he looked deadly so.

"Um, no offense Kyouya-senpai, but I don't think my mother would be okay with me having a boy at my house whom she doesn't know while she isn't there." I said. He raised an eyebrow.

"And who's to say I don't know her? Call her now and ask if a Kyouya can come over and see what she says." He said. I gave him a strange look and called my mother again.

"What's up, sweetie?" She asked, answering right away. I paused and eyed Kyouya, then asked,

"Um, do you know a Kyouya Ootori?" I asked. She laughed.

"Of course, he's that nice, rather uptight young man who calls every week to give me an update on your, and I quote, 'host club interactions and performance'." She was laughing softly before she spoke again. "Why?" I had to pause and take that in for a moment, not forgetting to give Kyouya a 'what in the world is wrong with you' look before replying.

"Uh, he and I were talking about my 'host club performance' or whatever before you called. We're having an important conversation about something and it can't be rescheduled. Would you consider allowing him to come over for maybe fifteen or thirty minutes? Just so we can finish talking," I quickly explained. She laughed again before answering, much faster than I thought she would.

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