January 13
"Let's begin, Sahni-san!" The women beside me sat me down swiftly, one pulling out a bag with yards of makeup inside and the other sifting through a pile of dresses that she'd brought. My eyes widened at the spread that was in front of me- I hadn't seen this many articles of clothing in one room since the twins' room full of bathing suits at the beach. They got to work on my makeup and hair, courtesy of Kyouya-senpai.
He'd invited the entire host club over to his house, giving us about a week's notice, and I believe his exact words were that we were coming over 'courtesy of his father', which probably meant his father just wanted to meet and/or scrutinize the people who were dragging his son all around Japan. (Surprisingly, we were all also sleeping over. I have no idea how anybody actually agreed with this, but what I do know is that Tamaki-senpai was able to coerce Kyouya into agreeing with his declaration that the host club needed 'time as a family'). However, Kyouya decided immediately that Haruhi and I would appear much too common for his father's taste, so he sent stylists over to our houses to make us look less like commoners. That was how I ended up being sat down by two women right after school, having makeup applied to my face and my hair pulled in one thousand different directions.
Thankfully, they were really nice about it, and I actually looked sensible after they were done- I didn't have on too much makeup, so I actually recognized myself in the mirror. The outfit they provided was pretty cute, too- I had on a light pink sleeveless dress that stopped about my knees, and it was paired with a cream-colored shawl. Short pumps that were the same color as my shawl were slipped onto my feet, and a very expensive-looking necklace was clasped behind my neck. The ladies did their final touches, fawning over my outfit, and before I knew it, my mother was waving to me from the door as they escorted me to the limousine purring at the curb.
The driver got out of the car to open my door for me, and I smiled and thanked him as I got inside. The ladies stepped back from the curb as the limo pulled away, and I immediately felt strange. They had spent all of this time and effort dolling me up to go see the Ootori family, but I didn't get to properly thank them or even ask for their names or anything. I made up my mind as the driver approached the Ootori's mansion to do something. It would be a small gesture, but it was something.
The man got out of the car and walked briskly around the side to open it for me, although I'd already opened it myself. He helped me out, and I worked up the nerve to speak.
"Um, excuse me, sir... What is your name, please?" I asked. He looked extremely surprised before responding,
"I am Hayate, Sahni-san." He replied. I nodded.
"And would you happen to know the two women who were with me when you arrived, Hayate-sama?" He responded immediately.
"Yes, their names are Ayane and Imo." I smiled brightly at him.
"Well, Hayate-sama, would you please tell Ayane-sama and Imo-sama that I said thank you a million times for getting me ready? I really appreciate what they did for me." Hayate-sama looked shocked at my request, but he nodded.
"Of course, Sahni-san."
"And, of course, thank you so much for driving me here." I said, and a small smile appeared on his face.
"You're quite welcome, Sahni-san." He paused for a moment, looking elsewhere, and then spoke again. "It seems young master Ootori-san is waiting for you." He said. My head snapped in the direction that Hayate-sama was looking, and I did indeed see Kyouya standing at the front door. I bowed to Hayate one last time before walking up the mile-long driveway to where Kyouya stood.
"Good evening, Miss Sahni. I see Ayane and Imo did well," He said as soon as I was within earshot.
"Good evening, Kyouya-senpai. They did a fantastic job, you are correct," I replied. With another quick, calculating glance at my appearance, Kyouya opened the front door, motioning for me to step inside first. I did, laughing slightly.

Write Me a Love Story (OHSHC)
FanficKaiyoka Sahni just wants to write. When she is, quite literally, dragged into the world of Ouran Academy's famous host club, she finds herself in a whole new arena with nothing but her notebook and pen for familiarity. With the prompting of a certa...