XXV: Reconsider

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March 14

"Princess!" I was surprised; the nickname was, of course, familiar, but it felt like I hadn't heard it in ages. I turned my head to see Tamaki jogging toward me, alone. I stopped and waited for him to catch up to me, and once he did, we continued our walk to the lunchroom together.

"How are you these days, Princess?" Tamaki asked, his lavender eyes wide. I gave him a tired smile, and it was obvious that he could tell it wasn't as enthusiastic as I wanted it to appear.

"I'm okay. How are you? Where's the rest of the host club?" He laughed quietly, waving the mention of them aside.

"The club is at lunch as usual. I just wanted to sit with you today." I looked over at him, and he smiled that adorable smile: one of his genuine ones, not the ones he used on the girls in the host club. It was contagious, and I couldn't help but to return it. I waited in line with him quietly as he got his five-star food, and we both sat down at a table near the windows. I'd returned to eating at that lunch table, since it was the one I frequented before the host club happened.

"So, what's really happening in your life?" He asked me once we were settled. "I haven't seen you in a long time." I sighed, smiling lightly as I took a bite of my lunch.

"It's been alright. I still write, probably more than I should, but that's nothing new. I don't know if you know that I practice judo, but I've been training more intensely than usual at it and I've gotten pretty strong." I paused for a moment, assessing the expression on Tamaki's face. "Other than that, nothing happens. It's just school, writing, and practicing judo." The blonde in front of me nodded, looking at me thoughtfully. I couldn't tell if he was satisfied with that answer, but he didn't make any moves to continue questioning me.

"What's really going on with you?" I asked. He sighed airily, flipping his hair casually.

"Not much. The host club isn't the same without you in it, honestly, but it's still fun. Those wretched twins are still all over Haruhi, but she seems to gravitate toward me much more often now." I smiled fondly at the genuine happiness that was on his face, and at the fact that the twins (meaning Hikaru) hadn't given up on Haruhi yet. "Kyouya is still busy being annoying and anti-social, always sitting in the corner and shadow-ing all over the place." I raised an eyebrow at that.

"Kyouya? Annoying? Never," I replied sarcastically, causing Tamaki to laugh along with me.

"I know, it's really not new, he is always like that," He conceded, "But since you left, he's been extra introverted. He even talks to me less than usual, and I'm his best friend." I nodded, storing that information away. "Perhaps, if you came back..." He trailed off, and I exhaled.

"I wish I could, Tamaki-senpai, but you know I can't. It just doesn't make sense anymore. Plus, honestly, I'm still hurt and I still don't know what I did to him in the first place." He nodded in understanding.

"I know. It was wishful thinking. I'm not trying to pressure you at all by saying this- really, I'm not- but seeing him like that just reminded me of how different he was when you were around. He was so much more... I don't know." Something told me Tamaki did know, so I waited for him to continue.

"He wasn't like the usual Kyouya, he was so much more open. You made him loosen up, and I miss that. You made us all get along a little better." His comments had me thinking, and I smiled at the compliments.

"I'm glad I could help for the time I was there," I answered honestly.

"Do you think you'll ever come back?" He asked, and I thought a moment before answering.

"Permanently? It's doubtful. I don't know about never, but I don't want to get your hopes up. I am considering visiting, though. It's been a whole month, and I'm having host club withdrawal. I miss you guys." Tamaki smiled, his freaking eyes sparkling.

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