Space - "Cosmos"

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Have you seen "Cosmos" with Neil deGrasse Tyson? Because it is mind-blowing. Even though I only watched the first episode. STILL.

First of all, we are made of what stars are made of. So we are all stars. Pretty neat.

Secondly, we don't know where life came from. An asteroid carried life here. Which means that there is life somewhere else in our universe. For sure. Or at least was.

But if life has existed this long on Earth and doesn't seem to be dying off - that catastrophically at least - then the other life is probably still around.

Or maybe, the planet that contained life was blown up in a collision, creating that asteroid and many others, which means that life would be deposited onto many planets all over.

Third, the majority of scientists think that our universe in one in billions, trillions, quintillions of other universes! So what contains the universes? What else is out there?

It is actually extremely frightening for me to think of all of the universes floating around and then think that that is enormous and we are so freaking small and what holds it all together and there is nothing there. (I'm sounding like Christopher).

Like, it ENDS there. There is nothing else. We can see pictures of galaxies and things, but our own universe..... And then there is just emptiness. Where are we really?


We are so insignificant but we think that we know all the answers. We think we control everything, but we are miniscule! Also, and I am always thinking this, what if what they teach us in school is wrong? We are being brainwashed without the brainwashers knowing it. THAT is frightening.

Also, there could be our beloved fantasy worlds out there in space, worlds where elves, witches, and the Fates are real. There could be worlds where you do have a fate and a destiny to follow, or worlds where you are programmed from birth to do a certain civil duty. There could be worlds where an opposite gender version of us roam the streets or a world where there is never war. Very high population - not good.

Seriously - we need war.

Anyway, because scientists kept their minds open to new discoveries, something the majority of the people never seem able to do, we  have this amazing scientific knowledge. They questioned the strict parameters of religion and put their careers and lives in jeopardy to seek the truth, as we know it....

Speaking of which, religions seem to have a fear of deceit and that people will go against them. They put up strict guidelines so that you won't cheat on another belief. Also, they are afraid of new discoveries, at least in the 17th century, discoveries that could perhaps prove their theories and writings wrong.

But what if everything was wrong...

Oh! What if we found a planet where God lived. Whoa..... And then we found that God was a black lesbian woman - YES. That would be AMAZING. The Sistine Chapel picture would have to get repainted. Poor Michelangelo.

Also, on a different topic, I saw this on KING5 news.

Americans were polled with a few questions

- Do you believe  in global warming?

- Do you believe that life evolved?

- Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory?

To all of these questions, the majority of Americans said no. They didn't even believe that plants evolved to fit their surrounding habitat and changing climate - oh wait, because they don't think that the world's climate is changing.

Oh, America.........

And on that note, sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER. There were assessments and crap. And track. I run the mile, 800 m, and 75 m hurdles.

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