Chasing Stormclouds

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So my friend Nina and I have a band called Chasing Stormclouds. She plays ukulele and we both sing. We sang at farmer's markets over the summer and at an open mic.

In late August, we applied for a spot at the Buskers in the Burg festival in Ellensburg. We made it, and we played there Saturday for four hours. It was a gorgeous venue, and when we went to register for our spot, the lady there knew us by sight! It was so cool.

We also brought along our two guys friends who REALLY wanted to come, so that was neat. We have two original songs, Despair, and Long to Be Free, which are in Fear, Friends, and Flight. Anyway, you have people vote for you by text. We got a lot of people, friends and fans, to vote for us, and we won second place!!!

We were so happy! Winning second place meant playing at a concert later that night after a guy from The Voice played - Cody Beebe. We played and people loved us. Third place was called Centaur's Midwife and they were AWESOME. First place was an a Capella group called Boot's N Cats - check them out on YouTube! They are auditioning for a spot on The Sing-off on NBC, so that was super cool. 

Anyway, just thought I'd share that awesome experience. Any song suggestions, post below in the comments! Check out Nina's YouTube which has one video of us, but will soon be more. 

Look up: Chasing Stormclouds Sweet Dreams on YouTube and the poster is ninaisafreeelf. 

Thank you!!

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