Global Warming AKA Climate Change AKA Natural Resources

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This has to do with ignorance, but of course with our Earth that we so lovingly pollute.

First off, global warming is real, whether you like it or not. I would hope that you don't like it. We say "global warming" but that means "climate change". 

The cold front in the Eastern part of the U.S. - also called the polar vortex - has never been seen on such extreme levels. There was snow in Georgia! (And they had no idea how to drive).

I looked at a graph of the average global temperatures of the last 200 years. It went up in the 1940's, but has been rising since the 80's. It is higher than ever now. Well, actually a few years ago, but on the big scale, those few years don't mean a thing. 

How can we explain that? A hoax? Propaganda?

Even if it was propaganda, what harm would it do? Ooo, scary. They want you to buy an electric car instead of your gas-guzzling Hummer. We're all gonna die...

No. It is real and was caused by us. Humans. 

We haven't been on Earth for long. We have been here for almost nothing. NOTHING. In the grand scale of things.

And yet we have managed to almost ruin this earth. We are so greedy with our natural resources and do not think of the future until we are in under our heads. 

When white men came to America and found buffalo/bison, what did they do? Killed them to the brink of extinction.

Now we are in under our heads. Our pollution eats away at our atmosphere, the very thing that allows us to pollute it. The thing that keeps us living.

Our pollution has created insane weather patterns that change our environment and threaten animal and plant species. Yes, I did get back on topic.

Now we think of these plants and animals. The flora and fauna that never did anything to us, but we destroy their homes so we can make money and supply our skyrocketing population with resources.

What will happen to the polar bear? Will they be a piece of our forgotten past, or part of an old story book that crazy grandma liked to tell. A story of the earth when it was falling downhill too fast to slow down.

But we just might save it. We can stop it - IF we open our eyes to the events around us and stop denying what is going on. 

First, we need to get off our gasoline addiction. We start switching to hybrid cars, then all electric and solar. We start investing big-time on energy efficient power sources and stop relying on fossil fuels. My school just put up solar panels - small baby steps like these are what get you walking.

If everyone takes a baby step, it will be one big step. And if we keep stepping, we will be walking, and once we're walking, we'll get running. And then we will be such a better species to our earth. We couldn't survive without her, and how do we repay her?

With pollution, death, and disease.

Anyway, what this comes down to is that we never had a plan. We found oil, and didn't think that it would some day run out. Now we have to make sure we can be self-sufficient when it is gone.

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