The Abortion Rant - You Knew It Was Coming

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I am Pro-Choice. I believe no religious or personal opinions should dictate the laws that preside over our nation.

An arbotion is a woman's choice, not one of the old men of Congress. SHE can decide if it is morally correct or not.

Why I think it is not morally wrong: an embryo - the thing getting aborted - is NOT a human-being. It is living inside the mother, but so is cancer. That is, living inside someone.

The name "Pro-Life" to the anti-abortionists makes others sound like phsycopathic murderers. We are not. We just have a different definition of life.

Also, just on the legality, if abortion wasn't legal, it would still be done, just in a dangerous manner. Like with clothes hangers or even suicide.

Then living with the shame of the product of rape. If I was raped, I would want any trace of that horrific memory cleansed from me, meaning the embryo.

People bring up adoption. Sure, this is fine, but the whole "why did my parents give me up", "am I not good enough" thing is a little sad, not that it is a huge deal. Also, when a mother sees her baby, no matter who the father is, she may have a very VERY deep connection with it. And then can't part with the product of rape, then has to live off her parents because she never had time to get an education.

OOOOHHHHH! If a woman has an unplanned baby and is not in a position to have it, it could RUIN HER LIFE. She could be an amazing student on her way to an awesome career, and then BOOM. Baby.

If she can't get an abortion and it's too late, she throws all of that away because of that one accident.

Pro-Lifers talk about the embryo becoming the next Einstein or coming up with a cure for cancer, but those achievement might never be possible without a stable home life, something an unplanned child might not get. Especially if the mother is thinking of abortion, which means she is probably not in a good place.

Also, we can't have that many people on the earth. The population is rising INCREDIBELY and we are deaperately coming up with ways to feed everyone. And I'm not so much talking about abortion here as much as birth control.

I HATE the whole "corporations are people and so have the freedom of religion" thing with Hobby Lobby. First of all, is covering contraceptives really against religion? They cover Viagra for men.... Oooohhhh, for MEN. I see now. Women are baby makers. Ok.

Covering contraceptives is cheaper than providing for the cost of a child. And saying the woman can just buy them herself? Sure she can, but that should be something covered in our healthcare because having or not having a child REALLY affects the next thing to happen.

We need to pull our heads.out of our medieval butts and smell the fresh air. We are SO BEHIND! (No pun intended.) Countries are leaps and bounds ahead of us because we can't see past our stubborn wills to just change! The world keeps.moving - you can't look back and say, "God didn't intend..." "It's not in the Bible". Well, guess what. It is two thousand f$&#@*! 14! Not BIBLICAL TIMES. DID GOD INTEND FOR THERE TO BE VIAGRA? PROBABLY NOT, BUT I DON'T GIVE A CRAP BECAUSE GOD SHOULD NOT HAVE A SAY IN WHAT WE ARE DOING IN 2014!

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