Reading the Sunday News and I Stumble Upon This...

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So, I was on vacation, so i just got around to reading the Sunday paper - The Seattle Times. I found an interesting article in the Northwest Sunday section titled 'Americans' Tolerance Stops at Atheists'. It went on to say that in a survey where participants were asked "How would you react if a family member were to marry a ____". The blank was filled: a person of another race (89% fine with it), person from another country (93%), a gun owner (81%), someone who did not go to college (86%), born again Christian (91%). 50% of participants were not fine with their family member marrying 'someone who does not believe in God'. The word "atheist" can conjure hate and anger, and was not used in the poll. Not a single Congress member is openly atheist. Every single president has been religious (Christian).

I am NOT saying that religion is bad, but the way it affects us Americans sets us back many steps from other more progressive countries. The article predicted we would have an openly gay president before an atheist one.

Last night, I was watching The Daily Show with John Stewart. His guest was Bill Maher, an infamous hater of religion in our government. They got onto the topic of atheism in the government. Maher insisted that President Obama is actually atheist, just joined a church so he could progress in politics. I have no idea if that is true, but let's say it is.

If you have to join a church just to move up in politics, there is DEFINITELY something wrong with the system. We should not have to change our beliefs to be elected. We used to be very against women's rights, minority rights, and gay rights. All of those groups have seen significant improvement in how they are treated in politics and government. I am in no way saying atheists are treated as horribly as women, minorities, and gays were/are. Just that those previous stated groups are our Congress members. Well, no one is openly gay right now because that was the most recent issue.

I think the prejudice against atheists comes from the fact that some atheists hate religious people. Most atheists are non-believers because they are not interested in religion. That is what I am.

Also, America is so sensitive. We are so careful to not offend anyone or make anyone angry and it doesn't help that the media will take any comment or action and twist it to make it offensive so people have to watch their steps even more. We don't accept atheists because people would take it to mean an attack on "wholesome, American Christianity". Like gay marriage was an attack on traditional marriage.

I really hope we can push past that. In the beginning of the school year, my teacher was talking about freedom of religion and asked the class to raise their hands id they were atheists.

I was the only one out of thirty or so kids to raise my hand.

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