Chapter 4

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Beth logged on to her holo-desk and typed in the code to enter the chat with another person. Since the only other person she really knew was Liam, she clicked on his profile and quickly typed: "Hey Liam, I'm kind of bored right now. Want to hang out?" she waited for a few minutes before a bell noise told her that he has responded.

"No. I'm very busy right now. Maybe later?" Beth sighed and logged off, her mind wandering back to that strange note she had found. Once again a cold shiver zipped up and down her spine.

She logged back on and re-entered the chat with Liam. She typed: "Liam something weird happened after breakfast this morning. I found a note that said "death" on it. Pretty weird, huh?"

Almost immediately the bell sounded and Beth quickly read over his reply "I know this sounds strange but, I put it there. Some guy came up and asked me to. I don't know why."

She gasped when she had read all of it. "Who was he?" she typed.

"I have no idea." He replied.

A knock on the door made her jump. "Who is it?" she called.

A gruff male voice, slightly muffled by the door said: "The captain wants to see you."

Confused, Beth got up and put on her boots. After straitening her hair, she palmed the pad by the door, it slowly slid open with a slight hiss. As soon as she could see the man, he lashed out with a surprisingly small hand and pulled her close.

She tried to scream but he put his other hand over her mouth so it sounded more like a whimper. She felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck and she suddenly started feeling woozy. The edges of her vision went fuzzy and she collapsed, unconscious.

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