Chapter 54

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Beth and Liam were lying down together in a small clearing. It was a short distance away from the colony, so none of the noises of everyday living reached them here. The air seemed to hum with how warm it was, and tiny white buds were starting to appear on the ends of the teal grass stalks. It seemed to be spring or early summer on Viscordia.

"Hmm, but what about a tux and a dress?" Beth turned her head to look over at him, not caring that she was getting herself all teal and stained from laying on the juicy, pigmented grass. They were discussing wedding plans, their hands entwined between them as they gazed up at the hazy golden sky.

"Do we have anything on the ship? Did anyone bring one as their personal item?" Liam suggested, also turning his head to meet her gaze.

"Maybe. We should ask around. I'd hate to have to wear sheets." She laughed softly.

Liam laughed as well. "I'm sure you would still look lovely." He lifted their hands and quickly kissed hers with a bright smile before letting them fall back to where they were before.

She looked at the sky again, and as she did, another idea struck her. Perhaps the Viscordians had some wedding traditions of some sort, even if that wasn't exactly what they were called, that Beth and Liam could use for their wedding? It would solve some small problems, as well as further meshing their two cultures and showing that they meant to have a lasting friendship.

"Maybe we should ask Kelbar if the Viscordians have any traditions?" she looked over at him again to see that he was still looking at her. Not that she minded.

"Maybe, but when would we go?"

"Right now? We know where their village is, and with me around the journey doesn't exactly take a whole day." Beth suggested after thinking for a second.

He smiled softly. "What about tomorrow? It's too nice to work today." He gave her hand a light squeeze.

She smiled back at him. "Then what exactly do you think we should do, if I may ask?"

He grinned at her and pulled her closer till she was pretty much on top of him, and he kissed her cheek. "Who said we had to do anything, huh?"

She giggled lightly. "Fair point."

"I'm glad you agree." He cupped her face gently with his free hand, and then pulled her closer until their lips met softly for a short, but very sweet kiss.

"I'm glad you suggested it." She said softly, still inches away from his face, and then she kissed him again.


Aaron groaned. He wasn't sure if he was awake, but he didn't think he was asleep. The darkness was too dark, but when he tried to open his eyes, they stung so badly that he instantly closed them again. A cool breeze was blowing over him, chilling him until he felt like shivering. His eyelids seemed to stick painfully to his eyes, and his head ached terribly.

He opened his eyes again, bearing through the first initial burning as his eyes got used to the brightness. He was on the lakeshore again, and he almost wondered if he'd passed out before quite reaching the water, and everything that had happened after that had been a delusion. He wouldn't be surprised.

But then he saw that the angles were wrong. That small outcropping of land into the center of the lake that used to be on the left was now on the right, and the shore was shaped slightly differently; more of a gently curving oval than the tighter circle of the other side of the lake. Whatever had eaten him had obviously carried him to the opposite side of the lake before spitting him up. He wondered if he tasted bad.

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