Chapter 47

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   The adrenaline coursing through her veins was the only thing that kept Beth on her feet. Without it, she would surely topple over and become the Dire Hound's next meal. Liam yelled words at her, but she couldn't tell what he said. The Hounds slunk forward, their crackly sneeze-like snarls echoed off the cavern's walls. Rows of jagged teeth gleamed in the light of the power stones.

   When Beth didn't reply, Liam could see that teleportation wasn't going to be an option. They would have to run. He looked at Kelbar, and the alien nodded in understanding.

   Dazed and bleeding, Beth found herself being scooped up by strong arms, Kelbar sprinted to the exit with Beth safe in his grip. Liam right behind him.

   The beasts picked up their pace as soon as their prey started to run. They snapped at Liam's heels as he followed Kelbar through the tunnels.

   Thankfully the Dire Hounds weren't very fast and the distance between predator and prey grew.

   Liam and Kelbar followed the faint echo of footsteps ahead and hoped they wouldn't make a wrong turn.

   Kelbar led them forward. Beth lay limp in his arms. She had fainted. The wound on her head continued to seep blood. The sound of the Hounds grew faint, but they didn't slow their pace. If they stopped and rested they may never find their way out. They had to keep up with the echo of footsteps and voices ahead of them.

   They continued through the bends and twists of numerous tunnels and caverns, even after they could no longer hear the sounds ahead of them. With every step, Kelbar dreaded that they'd become lost, but they kept on moving forward.

   In the darkness, they occasionally encountered a power stone. It would light up as they stepped or brushed their hands across the walls. The light gave them hope to keep going.

   Finally, they could see light ahead. Their steps quickened at the sight.

   They soon found themselves blinking in the brightness of daylight. Scores of Viscordians stood around them. They were in a large clearing beside a mountain, the tunnel exit located at its base.

   Meelah spotted them and rushed over. "Kelbar! What happened?"

   "Beth's injured." He replied. "I don't know how it happened." 

   Liam helped gently lay her down on the grass.

   Meelah knelt beside her. "That's a pretty nasty wound." She said. "I hope she's okay. I'll take a look at it. I was fortunate to have the chance to grab a few things."

   Liam watched, his eyebrows knitted in concern as Meelah took a woven bag off her shoulder and rummaged through it. She pulled out various things and started administering them to Beth. Meelah gently cleaned the wound and applied some herbs and a bandage.

   All throughout the clearing, Viscordians gazed at their surroundings. The younger ones seeing the surface of their planet for the first time. Jakam closed his eyes and filled his lungs with the fresh air. Even though they had to leave in a hurry, he was glad they had done it. They were home now. He suddenly remembered the danger and quickly looked back at the cave. He saw Kelbar, Meelah, and humans. He rushed over. One of the humans was hurt.

   "Is she okay?" He asked Meelah.

   "It's too soon to tell," Meelah replied. "But she seems strong."

   Jakam looked at Kelbar. "Are the Dire Hounds close?" He asked.

   "No. I'm pretty sure we lost them in the tunnels," Kelbar replied.

   Relief flooded Jakam's face. He noticed a few guards standing nearby and called them over. "See that large stone?" He gestured with his hand. "Cover the opening of the cave with it."

   The guards took the stone and rolled it over the mouth of the cave, sealing off their former home. Then they returned to their leader. "Anything else sir?" One asked.

   "Yes. Gather people together. I'd like to hold a meeting before darkness falls."

   Everyone was soon gathered and Jakam addressed the crowd. "We had to leave our home in haste. The danger had been more imminent than we thought and The Hounds invaded without warning causing us to flee our home. Thankfully none of were seriously hurt or killed. We are blessed to have escaped unscathed. Until further notice, I forbid anyone to enter those caves. I suspect that they are now overrun with Dire Hounds and it's much too dangerous to return."

   Several in the crowd cried, "But where will we live?"

   An onslaught of worried voices arose.

   Jakam shushed the rising panic. "Most of you know that our old enemy The Slayer has been killed. The reason we were forced to retreat underground is gone. We are originally from the surface. This is our true home and it is where we will live."

   The meeting ended and people were organized and given tasks. Before darkness fell several crude shelters were built and food was gathered. In the dim evening light, Jakam surveyed the buildings that had sprung up in the clearing beneath the mountain. This place would make the perfect place for a village. It would be where they would build their new home.

   Meelah had done all she could for the young female human. The wound had been cleaned and bandaged, the bleeding had stopped, but she still hadn't wakened.

   Liam sat close by, holding Beth's limp hand in his own. She looked small and pale, not at all like herself.  He desperately hoped she would be okay.

   "" Liam slowly said in the Viscordian language.

   Meelah looked at the male human. It was weird hearing an alien speak familiar words. "You are welcome." She replied. Then she stood up. It would be dark soon and she wanted to check if any others were hurt.

   Liam watched Meelah walk away. He pulled Beth closer. "Please don't die." He whispered.

   Darkness fell and the whole village was soon asleep. The day's events had been exhausting, and now it was time for rest. The night air was filled with hope, expectation, and dreams of a new home.

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