Chapter 69

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   Kelbar stood in the distance. His eyes were like black pools that streamed with tears of happiness. His mouth stretched wide in a grin. He was overjoyed to see his friends reunited.

   It had hurt his heart to see Liam withering away with each day that Beth remained unfound. He had accompanied Liam in endless hours of searching that only resulted in hopeless exhaustion.

   Now she was back, and everything was as it should be. Liam looked like a new man. He hadn't laughed or smiled once since Beth's disappearance, but his joy had now returned with full force. 

   Kelbar was amazed at how all the grief could just wash away in a single moment.

   With a happy heart, Kelbar turned to leave. He was still curious as to what's happened to Beth, but he knew he'd hear the story soon.

   Beth suddenly remembered Kelbar, and turned her head. He was gone. She'd been so caught up in Liam that Kelbar had completely slipped her mind.

   Her gaze met Liam's once more, and as if on cue he yawned, loudly.

   She laughed and brought her hand to his cheek. Liam put his hand over hers, closing his eyes.

   "I'm never letting you go." He murmured.

   Beth frowned as she felt the thinness of his face. "And I'm never going to leave."

   Liam began to sway.

   "You must be exhausted," Beth whispered.

   He hadn't heard her. The constant worry that had kept his mind on edge was gone. He was falling asleep where he stood.

   Beth drew her brows in concern. She wondered when he'd last slept.

   She took hold of him. He leaned on her as they staggered back to the cabin.

   Once inside, Beth found the lights then guessed at where a bedroom might be.

    Despite his weight loss, Liam had turned into a sack of potatoes. She'd never seen him this tired before. Beth struggled to keep him upright and got him into the bed as soon as possible.

     She smiled. He looked so peaceful. Tears welled in her eyes at the thought of how many restless nights he'd had. Dark circles marked his eyelids. Evidence of sleep deprivation.

   She pulled a blanket over him and quietly got onto the bed. She wasn't going to leave him to wake up without her, thinking it had all been a dream.

   She would stay by his side.

   At least for tonight anyway.

   Liam began lightly snoring. Beth snuggled up beside him. Her eyes drifted closed.


   It had been the most restful night of sleep he'd had in a while. The light of the new day had awoken him. He blinked as the drowsiness of sleep washed away.

   Memories of the previous night came flooding back to him. He smiled. It had been too real to have been a dream.

   "Good morning ugly."

   His heart swelled with emotion hearing the familiar voice.

   "Good morning Beth." He laughed, holding back tears.

   "I missed you." She said. "And I was only gone a few days. I can only imagine..."

   Liam blinked back tears. "Beth, I refused to believe you were gone..." His voice quivered. "If you hadn't come back..."

   Beth put her hand to his face, wiping away a tear. "I'm here now. And I will do everything in my power to see that it never happens again."

   Liam closed his eyes at her touch. "I know you will."

   Beth couldn't help doubting her words. These abilities she had were unpredictable. It was true that she had some control, but it was scary. No one else she knew had experienced what she was going through. She had no one to talk with about it.

   Liam began snoring again. He'd fallen back asleep.

   Beth was glad to see him getting so much rest. He needed it.

   She quietly got out of bed and exited the room. She'd let him sleep a while longer while she made some breakfast.

   She easily found the kitchen. It looked new and very unused. She frowned. There probably wasn't any food.

   After searching the cupboards, she surveyed her findings. An untouched brick of stale bread, some dried meat that smelled like fish, and a jar of beans.

   She scrunched her face. Definitely not the food she had in mind.

   A knock at the front door caused her to jump. She hoped it hadn't woken Liam.

   She briskly went to open it, before whoever it was knocked again.

   A familiar face greeted her.

   "Good morning Beth. I had hoped you were up."

   "Good morning Kelbar." She smiled, glad to see her friend.

   "I hope you don't mind, but I've brought you some breakfast," Kelbar said, holding out his load.

   Beth gladly received it. A huge grin spread across her face.

   "How is Liam?" He asked.

   "He's still in bed." She replied.

   "I'm glad to hear that. Sleep is the perfect medicine." Kelbar said.

   "What have you brought for us to eat?" Beth asked excitedly. She was famished.

   Kelbar opened the lid of the basket that he'd brought. "I brought a variety of things. Mostly foods I like to eat after long journeys. And you've certainly been on quite an adventure." He looked at her inquisitively.

   Beth remembered that she still hadn't told him where she'd been. She kind of assumed he already knew, because he had sort of been there in a way. She wondered why he didn't remember. What had happened to Kelbar's younger self?

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