Chapter 6

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    Beth struggled to open her sore eyes. She had a very bad headache and all of her muscles felt like jelly. Ignoring her pounding head, she opened her eyes and started to look around.

   It was very dark. All Beth could see was a small metallic glint not far off and to the left a bit.

   Beth tried to sit up, but there was a strap across her chest and another across her thighs, her arms were also tied.

   A very deep voice came out of the shadows, but not speaking to Beth. Apparently there two people in the room beside her. The voice said: "She's awake. Do you want me to proceed?"

   Beth's chest tightened with worry at the man's words. Suddenly, and with a very loud click, a light snapped on directly overhead. The light stung as it hit her unsuspecting eyes.

   After her eyes adjusted to the light, she could see more clearly. She saw that she was in a room exactly like her own. The metallic glint had come from a small metal table with a cloth covering whatever was on it.

   There was only one light on in the room, so Beth couldn't see into the shadows at the room's edge. A man stepped out of the shadows. He was short and stocky with a completely bald head. He had a short jagged scar on his left cheek. He stepped closer and pulled the cloth off of the small table. It had several syringes and a small knife on it.

   Beth's dread doubled and she tried to call out but her throat was very dry so her scream came out as a thin, raspy screech.

   The bell on this room's holo-desk rang. It looked like they had signed on as her because Beth could just make out her own profile picture as well as Liam's. they clicked on his profile. She was too far from the screen to see what the other person was typing and the man with the scar stepped closer.

   He was the man with the small hands, Beth was certain, but all other thought evaporated as soon as the man grabbed one of the syringes. It was filled with a dangerous-looking red liquid. He jabbed it harshly into her left thigh. She groaned in pain and struggled weakly against her bindings.

   Liam woke with a jolt. It was his alarm. He got out of bed and pulled on some clothes. After palming the pad by the door he exited and headed to the mess hall.

   As he entered he pulled at the small pendant around his neck. It was his personal item. He had got it from his mother just as she took her last breath.

   To his surprise, tears were gathering in his eyes. He brushed them away before anyone could see him and accuse him of crying. He quickly scanned the crowd for Beth but for some reason she wasn't there. At this he got a little worried but still, he pushed the worry to the back of his mind. He got in line, sat down, and scarfed down the disgusting mush.

   On his way to work Liam stopped by his room and quickly logged on to his holo-pad. He clicked on the small picture of Beth and typed: "Hey, Beth. How's it going?"

   He waited several minutes for a response but got none. The worry in the back of his mind pushed its' way to the front and he started panicking. After all, Beth always answered almost immediately.

   Beth's eyes fluttered open and she saw almost at once that there was no one else in the room. All the lights were on but they were on one of their dimmer settings.

   The next thing she noticed was that her horrible headache was gone. Also, her throat wasn't dry anymore.

   Beth looked down and saw that there was an IV stuck in her arm. She automatically made the conclusion that the IV was the reason she felt so much better.

   There was a small ding and it took a minute for Beth to realize that it was the notification bell on the holo-desk. That could only mean someone had sent a message. Beth strained her eyes and saw that it was from Liam.

   After Beth took this in her eyes drifted to the table. All but one of the syringes had been used. She started to get sick thinking of all the nasty chemicals swirling inside of her.

   After her nausea had worn off, Beth tried once again to break free of the straps. They were very tight and she only succeeded in hurting her chest.

   Beth heard a slight noise outside the door and was filled with dread that her captors were coming back, but the footsteps reached the door and didn't stop. She knew at once that the threat was gone so, she screamed at the top of her lungs. Her throat wasn't dry anymore and to her satisfaction, the scream was so loud, it made even her own ears ring.

   The door hissed open and a Hispanic-looking middle-aged woman entered. She looked very concerned and rushed over to Beth. "Are you alright?" she asked as she fumbled with the straps.

   "I think so," Beth replied. "But they injected me with some weird chemicals and I don't know if they were harmful or not."

  At this, the Hispanic woman looked even more worried, but she managed to get Beth free and she sat up.

   "We should get you to the Medical Bay!" the woman said, still very worried.

   "That sounds like a good idea." Beth agreed, and they were soon on their way.

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