Chapter 32

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   Beth was hesitant to leave Kelbar all by himself, but he insisted that she return to the ship, so she did. Liam looked like he'd just discovered the cure for cancer. His eyes were as round saucers, and his mouth was hanging open. He was very enthusiastic about the whole ordeal.

   "I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing that," Liam said with a smile.

   "I don't think I'll ever get used to doing that." Beth countered, also smiling. Both of them jumped when there was a loud knock on the door.

   Beth answered it, and she was surprised to see that it was the stern looking nurse from the other deck. The one that had told her to leave, because she wasn't allowed up there.

   "Beth Fields, could you please come with me." She said, all smiles and politeness, rather than her surly manners from before.

   "Why?" Beth asked. She didn't want to go with her. Not at all.

   "For a routine medical examination. We want to see if we can prevent you from getting sick. We've been doing it for several different people all morning." She replied, smiling again. Beth thought that her act was cheesy and fake, and she didn't believe it for a second, but then again, if the request was legitimate, it wouldn't be good for her to refuse.

   "Only if Liam can come with." She said after a few seconds. The nurse seemed hesitant to say yes to the offer, but after a minute of contemplation, she accepted. Liam, Beth, and the unknown nurse lady walked to the medical wing.

   Beth was stunned to see that there was pretty much no one there. Then she realized that many of the doctors would be away, tending for sick people. There were only two people other than the group that had just arrived. An unconscious patient, and a doctor fiddling with some equipment on the far side of the room.

   The nurse asked Beth to sit in a medical examination chair, so she did. The doctor, who was the only doctor that Beth had seen in the place, walked over.

   "May I take a blood sample?" she asked. She held a shiny tube with a needle on the end. Beth nodded uncertainly. She was shy of needles since the kidnapping incident. The doctor poked the short little needle into Beth's arm, and a second later, she pulled it out. Beth hadn't realized that it would take so short a time.

   "You wouldn't mind if I took a spinal fluid sample as well, would you?" the doctor asked. That's when Beth realized that something was wrong. There was no reason why they should need her spinal fluid. Blood was even a little iffy. Things weren't adding up, and Beth wanted to get to the bottom of it.

   "Yes, I would mind that very much," Beth said, getting up off of the chair. She went over to stand by Liam, who hadn't said a word through the whole thing. She whispered to him that she didn't trust the two of them. He nodded and then grabbed her hand to drag her out of the room. She was a little taken aback by the sudden contact with him, and she felt her cheeks heat up. Ever since she'd realized her feelings for Liam, she'd been acting like a silly school girl.

   She shook her head at herself. She would have to stop being so awkward about it. She was reasonably sure that he felt the same way, so there was nothing to be ashamed of or anything. Liam kept pulling her until they reached her room again.

   "So, why don't you trust them?" he asked.

   "You don't need to get a sample of spinal fluid for a 'routine medical examination.'" She made quotation marks with her fingers. Liam nodded, although she wasn't sure if he really understood. She didn't tell him about the previous encounter with the nurse, because she didn't know if it had anything to do with the untrustworthiness of the two of them.

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